If you are a good girl

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This is a long ass chapter with just smut hehe so enjoy

Toni leaned against the door frame of their bedroom, watching her girlfriend get ready at her vanity. Her light eyebrows narrowed as she got closer to the mirror, inspecting the crisp line of her winged eyeliner.

The pinkette shook the small box in her hand. Another gift for their date tonight, they were coming up on their fifth year anniversary and had been spoiling each other all week. Date night every night, gifts, amazing, passionate sex. Toni wanted this week to never end. It wasn't like they didn't do all of those things regularly, but there was something about being with the girl of her dreams for five years that made everything a million times more special.

Cheryl turned, jumping when she caught Toni looking her up and down. "Oh, TT! You scared me," she chuckled. "I'm almost done, I promise. I was just struggling with what lipstick I should wear tonight, but I think I finally figured it out."

"You look perfect, babe," Toni smiled. She rattled the small box in her hand again, nervously this time. It was new... maybe Cheryl wouldn't be up for it. Toni worried that the suggestion would throw off the whole evening.

"As do you, my love. Five years of having eyes for you and you alone," Cheryl sighed dreamily. "I am one lucky lady. I love you so much, Toni."

The pinkette smiled widely, walking forward. She kissed her girlfriend's forehead, leaning down in front of her. She reached out with her free hand, gripping a red adorned one. "I love you too, babe. So fucking much. These past five years have been the best years of my life. I'm so grateful for you. I have a gift for you, I'm a bit nervous about it."

Cheryl sniffed a bit with a watery smile, "TT, another gift? You've been spoiling me."

"You deserve it. You've been giving me everything since high school," Toni breathed. She held up the small white box in her free hand, gently setting it in Cheryl's lap.

The redhead looked at it with an arched eyebrow and gently took off the top lid. Her eyebrow only raised further. "TT, I am not trying to be ungrateful, but I'm confused as to what this is."

Toni chuckled, her eyes dropping to the red oval shaped device in the box. "This is a vibrator... Only I have the controls."

Cheryl smiled softly, "So I wear it and you control what I feel and when?"

"Yeah, baby. That's right," Toni replied, looking up into her girlfriend's eyes. "Would you like to wear it tonight?"

"While we're out?" Cheryl asked, there was shock present on her face. They really weren't the public sex couple. They didn't like being quiet or discreet, so they kept everything in their bedroom, occasionally their living room, sometimes their bathroom... One time on their private balcony.

"Only if you want," Toni said gently. "Up to you, Cher."

Cheryl eyed the toy again, gently picking it up in her hands, it had a little tail on the end, she assumed, for getting it back out later. It wasn't very big and was sleek and soft. The redhead figured it wouldn't be too strong and she would just get little waves of pleasure throughout the night, making her a needy mess for when they finally got home. "I'll wear it, babe."

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