It Got A Little More Heated

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Its just making out not real smut but imma mark it as smut because if someone don't like to read people kiss..

It started with odd glance across the room or the flash of a grin caught in the corner of his eye. The bitching across the halls all but stopped, something was up.

Then the incident, that sent Kevin's gay-dar into overdrive, happened...

Lunch had been its perfectly normal clique orientated ritual ; Kevin was sat with bughead and varchie dealing with their usual drama filled lives when none other than the Cheryl blossom decided to take a seat at the table, despite it being a rarity this was not outside of the Redheaded queen of drama's usual behaviour. Then it got weird.

"and what might we have done to be graced with a visit from non other than Cheryl blossom herself ?" veronica had questioned a tad sarcastically before popping a grape In her mouth,

"nothing in particular my vixen friend," Kevin almost spat out his food,this was weird.

"wait," Jughead had scoffed "that was it ? no bitchy comeback or sarcastic reply?"

"Nope" she had SMILED popping the p, what was happening?

"well this is new," betty had added optimistically, quirking an eyebrow.

After that the group had carried on their previous conversation (something about Archie wanting to work on his music , Kevin wasn't really paying attention at this point) with Cheryl adding to it here and there, something was definitely off. Then it happened.

A light smile adorned her face as she watched someone walk by and a blush started to creep up her neck as she completely zoned out of the conversation.

"ugh, I my spoons bent," miss lodge had complained sliding out of her seat, " I'll have to get a new one."

" A bit like me..." Cheryl had smiled loud enough for the whole group to hear eyes still fixed on the person. Crash! Kevin whipped round to see Toni Topaz bent over her fallen food tray having walked into a pole, Grinning like a 5 year old.

The fuck was happening?

It was only when Jughead's loud "what?" stopped Cheryl smiling at toni that she looked back towards the group her face paling, "oh um got to go toodles, " and with that she was off.

"Well that was strange..."

Kevin was on a mission. It was 5th period, English. Kevin was two rows behind his target- Toni Topaz. Something was up with her and it was his job as an honorary gay to find out what...

Toni walked out of English a slight skip in her step, she couldn't stop grinning as she rounded the corner and ducked into the janitors closest.

And then there she was, fiery red hair, eyes dragging up Toni's

form, lips twisting into a small smile when she met the smaller girls gaze. " why hello cha cha," she stepped closer with each word,

"what can I do for..." her breath was gentle against her lips "you?"

Toni felt a cocky Smirk spread over her face as she watched the redheads velvet eyes glance down at her lips and search her face with need before delving into hers, "well miss bombshell," she leant forward and whispered, breath hot against Cheryl's ear, "there is only one thing I would like you to do...." Cheryl's breathing was unsteady as Toni met her gaze, "me." Her pupils spread like blots of ink.

It was an earth shattering kiss that made Toni's knee's weak with anticipation. They're lips moulded together perfectly as she backed her up against the wall. Nipping at her bottom lip and Chastely kissing her before trailing kisses along her knife edged jaw line; seeking out her pulse point as Cheryl weaved her fingers into the her hair. Breath hitching when Cheryl let out a satisfied moan As Toni sucked and nipped feverishly at her neck.

"oh my god!" Kevin yelped from behind them as pushed the open the door and slammed it closed again.

"oh shit" Cheryl hissed "what if he says something?"

Toni smoothed down her girlfriends top "he'll be fine we'll just tell him the truth, he'll understand." She gave Cheryl one final peck before venturing into the hallway to find Kevin and drag him into the closest.

"I mean I've had my suspicions but I never thought you'd actually" he smiled stumbling slightly over his words as he gestured to them. Cheryl had her arm protectively wrapped round Toni's waist.

"How did? When?"

"Two weeks ago," Toni smiled "we didn't want anyone to know because well.."

"my mother is an unaccepting prostitute who has no concept of love." Cheryl finished.

"so this closest became our little meet up after school," The small girl gestured, " so you just come in here to hook up?" he grinned

"well not exactly it started out because we would wait in here so we wouldn't be seen leaving together...because that would be Sapphic" Cheryl reddened slightly at Toni's words, "than it got a little more ...heated."

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