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I was a long time ago thinking to write a oneshot about you and Cheryl or you and Toni. So a Cheryl/Toni and y/n oneshot.
So here it is. Its a oneshot abt you and cheryl.

Pls write what you guys want to read more:

Fluff🥺 :

Smut🔥 :

G!p❤️🔥 :

Angst/Deep⚠️ :

The thing is that I don't know what you want to read more often. Be it fluff, smut or others...

But yeah here we go pls leave me some suggestions over here ^^

You think you've memorized it.
The way her lips move around the cherry, eating it as if it were the last fruit available to mankind.
The way her eyes twinkle as she searches the road before her, the way her body rotates as she breathes.
You think you've memorized it, but you still can't get enough.
Cheryl Marjorie Blossom is a work of art, you decide. El Prado, The Louvre, the Museum of Fine Arts - you've been, even together (in your dreams), but she is still the only form of art you desire.

She has been driving you home for an hour now from the restaurant. Traffic is bad, but you don't mind the excuse to look at her side profile for longer. The taste of shared spaghetti lingers on your tongue, among other places. Cheryl can't seem to keep her mouth off you, even in the public-est of places. But who's complaining?

When you finally reach your house, Cheryl puts the car in park, tucking fire behind her ear. "For the record, I had a great time tonight," she stumbles.

Your heart does a flutter. Cheryl Blossom is nervous because of you. A heat begins to grow inside you.

"Me too," you breathe, not caring that you sound like you just ran a marathon as opposed to simply having sat an hour in the car by her side.

You sit in silence for a moment more, then decide to speak up. "Cheryl, your eyes, they're distant. What's on your mind?"

She turns her head to look at you, and you notice some hesitation in her eye, like she's deciding what to do. She shifts in her seat, removing her hands from the wheel, and slowly opens her mouth. "I--don't want to seem too forward, but--" she struggles to voice her concerns as her eyes flicker over you and eventually settle on your lips, and your heart is beating out of its chest dangerously like you might explode.

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