THE Little Splinter

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"Oh, come on, Cha Cha. Stop being such a baby."

"It huurrtss." Toni whined.

"Oh, grow up. You're in a gang T.T, how can you be crying over a little splinter?"

They are sitting side by side on the sofa Toni trying to pull away as Cheryl pulls her hand towards her to get a better look.

Cheryl grips Toni's hand tighter attempting to remove said splinter with the tweezers in her hand. Toni tries to wriggle her hand free.

"Ow! That hurt, babe! What the hell?"

"I barely even touched your finger. Now stop moving and it will be over quicker."

Toni huffs but sits still and stops wriggling around, mumbling, "Easy for you to say. You don't have a piece of wood stuck in your finger."

Cheryl holds her finger still and pulls out the splinter. "There. Was that so bad?"

"Yes," Toni whines grumbling to herself, resting her head in her other hand. Cheryl gently brings her finger up to her lips placing a small kiss on the pained area.

"There, all better?"

Toni turns back to Cheryl and gives a small smile. "Nearly... think I'm gonna need more kisses to really feel myself again." She scoots closer to Cheryl on the sofa.

"Oh, really?"

"Uh huh... lots more kisses. It was a very difficult moment for me, Bombshell."

Cheryl moves over to Toni moving her leg over her lap and straddling her, pushing her back against the sofa.

"Oh, my big bad gang member can't deal with a little splinter?" She says leaning in close and brushing their lips together putting her hands either side of Toni on the sofa behind her.

Toni puts her hands on Cheryl's hips pulling her closer. She keeps their lips touching as she speaks. "It really hurt Cher, I'm going to need a lot of comfort." Her lips spread into a cheeky grin as Cheryl pulls back and rolls her eyes at her antics.

Cheryl leans back down, tilting Toni's head back gently bringing her lips down to hers. Toni kisses her back pulling on her hips to deepen the kiss.

Cheryl moves her other hand to Toni's hair pulling lightly on the pink strands, drawing a moan from Toni.

She pulls back slightly still gripping her hair and face lightly. "Oh, so now you like a little bit of pain T.T?"

Toni smiles and nods bringing their lips back together to continue their kiss. She moves her hands down to Cheryl's ass squeezing lightly.

Cheryl slowly grinds herself into Toni's lap moaning into her mouth. "Let's go upstairs, Cha Cha, and I'll really make you feel better."

Toni grins up at her still holding her body close. "Lead the way, Bombshell".

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