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Toni had one thing in mind and one thing only: to make the best out of high school. Now that the southside was transferred to Riverdale High, they couldn't waste the opportunity this school offered them, which besides better conditions, also better extra curricular activities. And Toni being a serpent who was mainly raised around boys, finally felt she could to the girls' stuff here.

And that's why she was trying out for the Vixens. Even though she knew she would have to go through a very grumpy redhead for that.

After asking around for the girl, gaining different types of reactions from the vixens, Veronica told her she would probably be in one of the classrooms since they had a free period.

Toni walked through the empty hallways of the school, staring out the little window of the doors looking for Cheryl. It took her about five minutes until she spotted the redhead through the door of an empty classroom.

Smirking hard, the serpent opened the door, closing it behind her and walking to the table where Cheryl was, too absorbed in her book to even look up.

Toni dropped her bag into the empty spot on the table next to Cheryl, making the the girl turn her eyes to it and then lifting her gaze up to meet Toni.

Cheryl rolled her eyes, turning her attention back to the book. "What do you want?"

Toni smiled, hands on the table and leaning forward slightly.

"I want to join the cheerleading." Toni went straight to the point, gaining the redhead's attention again.

"Good joke, tell me what you want and don't waste my time."

Toni smiled crookedly, stretching out a hand to close Cheryl's book, forcing her to turn her attention back to her.

"I told you, Bombshell." Toni continued to smile, watching Cheryl cross her eyebrows in confusion. "I want to join the Vixens. What do I have to do?"

Cheryl looked at her as if the girl was crazy. "You are kidding."

"As far as I know anyone can join, am I right?"

"After you go through me, yes, and my answer is no."

"I haven't even auditioned yet, baby. You're going to need a better argument than a simple no."

"Okay, first don't call me that." Toni smiled, Cheryl's anger spilling from her eyes. "Secondly, do you even have the abilities to join this group? This is not a gang, busker."

Toni nudged her lip, leaning down to Cheryl's height, giving her a good view of her cleavage. Cheryl gulped, eyes shifting there briefly, before looking somewhere else to avoid the girl.

"Oh, I have enough abilities that I can show you." Cheryl's mouth dropped, her facial expression changing dramatically, making Toni smirk even more.

Cheryl quickly recomposed herself. "As you wish, there is not much things I haven't seen, snake."

"It's serpent, by the way." Toni sat on the table, rolling her body until she was facing the redhead, legs crossing in front of her, causing Cheryl to swallow heavily at the sight of the exposed skin of Toni's legs so close. "But tell me, Cherry, is there anything I can do to impress you?"

Cheryl looked at the girl up and down, eyes roaming her body not so discreetly. Toni smiled and coughed, pulling Cheryl back.

"My eyes are up here, princess." Cheryl leaned back in her chair to avoid the proximity, only to realize that in this way she could get a better view of the girl. "Tell me." Toni whispered and Cheryl could feel a touch of sensuality dripping from her raspy voice.

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