I promise i never let go again

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Okay so this takes place after 5x18 when Toni and Fangs said they loved each other. Btw what r u giys thinking whats about to happen with Fani and Choni?

toni couldn't stop thinking about how wrong it felt.

"i think i love you..."

she's always been so sure about everything in her life. sure she'd ace a test in high school, sure she'd graduate with honours from highsmith college, sure she'd get a job at riverdale high. never has toni had to think about anything important. she's always been sure.

it felt wrong as soon as she said it. it still felt wrong when fangs kissed her, holding anthony in his arms between them.

she looked at her baby, their baby, sleeping in his crib next to her bed. "so peaceful," toni said out loud to herself, in the quietest of whispers as to not disturb the sleeping infant. she checked her phone for the first time since getting home that night. 12:18 am. like fate, she received a text as soon as she finished reading the time, a notification chiming to alert her.

cheryl: britta's all settled in. played a few rounds of chess and i fear she might be better than you, tt. you're both the only two people to ever beat moi in a game of chess, and you know i consider myself a master.



she had always been sure about cheryl.

toni kept thinking about how good it felt to talk to her after all this time. it felt like years since they've had a real conversation.

"i must admit, i'm surprised you'd trust me with such precious cargo."

"i loved you, and i felt your love. and i know the huge capacity for love your heart has. and that's exactly what britta needs right now."

"well than, i'd be honoured."

she thinks back to a few weeks ago, giving birth to her son in the back of a diner. real classy, toni thought to herself. cheryl might as well have gotten whiplash from how quickly she stood up, how quickly she wanted to help.

"we prepared for a home birth. i just need another pair of hands."

"i'll do it."

toni thinks back to lying down on the floor in pop's kitchen, fangs' jacket balled up to act as a pillow underneath her neck. she thinks back to how cheryl stayed by her side the whole time, whispering words of praise and encouragement while making sure she was safe and healthy. she thinks back to reaching for cheryl's hand, squeezing it so tightly that she might have been worried about cutting off her circulation if she wasn't preoccupied with pushing a human out of her.

toni realizes she's not going to bed anytime soon, plus anthony should be waking up in the next hour anyways since the baby boy isn't able to sleep through the night yet. she walks over to her desk and picks up the book tabitha had dropped off for her after she'd given birth, saying it was a gift from her and jughead; navigating postpartum as a new mother. toni didn't really care to read all those pregnancy books while she was pregnant, despite fangs buying a new one for her every week. she wasn't stupid, she knew she needed to do research, and she did. but books felt too subjective to her. toni wanted objective facts, and the rest she could figure out and deal with herself. however, with hours left until she would fall asleep, toni figured she could read a few chapters.

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