"I'll die before I let that happen."

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"Toni, no."

"Why not? It could be a great experience!"

"Toni—" Cheryl puts a hand on her wife's shoulder. "Our children aren't going to go to a summer camp like pleibs." As her wife opens her mouth to protest, Cheryl states firmly, "I'll die before I let that happen."

Toni rolls her eyes. "Come on, Cher. Don't be so...uptight. I would have given my right hand at the chance to spend summer in the cabins at Lake Reynolds." She runs her fingers over Cheryl's knuckles. "And now my own kids—our kids—can afford it. I want to give them that chance, and besides, it's only an hour outside Riverdale. They'll be so close!"

Cheryl groans. "It's not that...it's...camp is so plucky, so dirty."

Toni objects. "Leave the classism behind, Cheryl. This means a lot to me. And Tommy has been whispering it in my ear all month, he's hoping I'd convince you it's a good idea."

Cheryl raises an eyebrow. "Tommy? My Tommy? The same boy who I've so carefully pampered in the arts of manners, philosophy, and—"

"Cheryl." Toni's voice sounds tired.
Cheryl takes a deep breath in and clasps her hands together. "Okay. If it means that much, I'll let our son go there." Her eyebrow knits suddenly. "What about Anna, don't you think she's too young for it all, she's only 7!"
Toni bites her lip. "Cheryl, by age 7 I was climbing trees, sleeping in tents, and living half on my own."
"I know, TT," Cheryl grimaces, laying a hand on Toni's leg. "And for that I am sorry."

"She's old enough to handle it, Cher," Toni responds, holding back a laugh. "Trust me. Trust me with my daughter—our daughter."

"I do, ma cherie," Cheryl promises, pressing a kiss to Toni's forehead. "I do."
Toni pulls Cheryl's face downwards. "And besides," she starts with a smirk. "The two of them being away from home means..." she runs her hands up Cheryl's sides and climbs into her lap, moving her hips ever-so-slowly.

"Mmm," Cheryl hums against her wife's lips. "I like the sound of that. How many sessions can we sign them up for?" She husks.

Toni squints. "Oh, not enough, baby. Not enough."

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