Not Here

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Ok sorry that i'm just writing smut rn but i have such good ideas vor smut.. I soon will write angst and fluff but wait some chapters...
Anyways the end of this killed me so yeah ;))

Toni huffed for the third time since they got out of the car, her eyes slightly rolling up as soon as she spotted the amount of people inside that store. She glanced over at Cheryl and saw the redhead's eyes sparkle at the sight of brand-new leather skirts and red dresses. It was as if she didn't even notice how crowded that place was. Cheryl reached for Toni's hand as they walked into the mall, eyes still stuck on the display in front of her, but when her hand didn't meet Toni's, she looked to the side to find a very grumpy girl with her arms crossed.

"What happened?" Cheryl asked as she reached for Toni's arm. The movement made Toni relax her arms and drop them to meet Cheryl's hand, as the redhead wanted. Their fingers intertwined without much struggle, as it was a natural thing for them.

"This place is too crowded. You know I hate coming here at this time. It's like people have never been to stores or McDonald's before." Toni huffed again and this time Cheryl couldn't keep herself from chuckling at her girlfriend's reaction.

"I'm sorry, mon amour. Veronica told me they would receive new batches today and I wanted to come down and see if I could get that red dress I want before they run out of my size," Cheryl explained, watching Toni's expression get a little less sulky and turning into a defeat one. Cheryl half smiled and placed a kiss on her temple.

"What do you need a new dress for anyway? You have, like, four that you haven't worn yet." Toni asked as they walked into the store and Cheryl got lost in translation for a second.

"I promise it's the last one. That red dress is just so beautiful and I don't have any slit dresses in that shade of red." Cheryl explained as if it was the most reasonable motive to go and splurge like that.

Cheryl knew that the store Veronica worked at wasn't the cheapest at that mall, especially that mall in particular. Toni had once witnessed Cheryl spend eight hundred on a pair of black shoes only because they had a snake-ish texture. Toni thought those were beautiful, indeed, but it was, basically, half the price a person would pay for rent. Sometimes the discrepancy of their realities shocked Toni a little bit, but Cheryl insisted on them having the best they could afford – and Cheryl being a millionaire before the age of 25 wasn't really an issue when it came to expenses.

What Toni didn't know was that Cheryl didn't want just any dress. Their second anniversary was just around the corner and she wanted to have something nice to wear, something that Toni hadn't seen before. That was why she had called Veronica beforehand and asked her to separate some unique pieces she had there in her size, without letting Toni know. She had also made a reservation at Toni's favorite restaurant and she wanted it to be a especial day, and that required special outfits – even if it was going to end up on the floor at the end of the night.

Veronica was fast to the eye and quickly spotted when Cheryl and Toni walked into the store and towards the counter where she usually stood all day.

"Cheryl!" She yelled, not as loud as she wanted it to be, but thankfully enough for her to hear and look at her direction. Veronica waved a hand up in the air to make it easier for them to find her since she hadn't been gifted with the tallest of heights. "Over here!"

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