Damn Those Shorts

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Smutty and funny so yeah enjoy 😂😉

Toni was admiring her girlfriend walking around their room in her favourite black leather shorts. She was standing in the doorway waiting on Cheryl so they could leave for school.

"Looking good, babe," she calls over to her, winking when she makes eye contact. "You about ready to leave?"

Cheryl nods walking over to her, giving her a quick peck. "Thank you, T.T, and yes, let's go. Can't keep up my perfect attendance by being late, now, can I?" Toni rolls her eyes at this.

"Of course not, Princess." She kisses her again, this time pulling her closer by her waist. Cheryl's hands go up to her shoulders, tangling softly into the hair at the base of her neck.

Toni's hands make their way lower slowly cupping Cheryl's ass, squeezing gently. Cheryl moans into her mouth.

Cheryl pulls back and lifts Toni's hands off of her ass and puts them back down to her sides. "Let's not get carried away, T.T. We must go."

"But you ass looks so damn good in those shorts, baby," Toni whines.

"Well, you'll just have to struggle on through, babe." Cheryl smirks. She kisses her on the cheek and walks away.

"Hate to see you leave but love to watch you go," Toni calls after her causing the redhead to chuckle on her way down the stairs.


Toni was leaning against her locker talking with Sweet Pea and Fangs when she saw her girlfriend again. She was walking past with Veronica and winked at Toni as she passed.

Toni felt a hand on her jaw pushing her mouth closed. "Damn, Tiny, wipe up that drool," Sweet Pea chuckles and Fangs laughs beside him. This breaks Toni out of her Cheryl-induced reverie and she punches him in the arm shoving Fangs as well.

"Lay off, assholes. Have you seen her ass today?" She thinks for a second about what she just asked. "Wait, no. You better not be looking, don't answer that."

My Love: How are you coping there, T.T.? Was that actual drool I saw just now?

"Oh, she is so getting it tonight."

Sweet Pea burst out laughing. "Get some, Tiny." Earning another punch on the shoulder.

Fangs scrunches his face up. "Ew, I don't need to know about Tiny's sex life. She's like my sister, gross." He sticks his tongue out like he has a bad taste in his mouth.

Toni pushes him lightly. "Asshole, my sex life is not gross." She smiles at him.


Cheryl was waiting outside the main entrance to the school when Toni walked through the doors. She had her back to her girlfriend and was on her phone.

She quietly walked up to her, hoping she wouldn't hear her coming. As she reaches out her hands to scare the girl Cheryl speaks up, "Make me jump and you are in the guest room for a week."

Toni's hands drop to her sides dejectedly. "I swear one day I'll get you, babe. And we both know that you wouldn't last a week without tapping this." She gestures to herself with a smirk as Cheryl turns around.

Cheryl raises on eyebrow at the pink haired girl. "Do you really want to put that theory to the test, T.T?"

Toni studies her face for a moment, trying to figure out how serious Cheryl is right now, before relenting. "No, definitely not." She steps forwards bringing her hands up to cup Cheryl's ass, pulling their bodies flush together. "Totally couldn't resist this ass for a week."

Cheryl scoffs at her pushing her away lightly. "Honestly, T.T, you have been such a fuck boy today." She chuckles lightly, letting Toni know she's not actually in any trouble.

Toni grabs Cheryl's hands, pulling her back in and bringing Cheryl's hands up to her neck. She puts her hands on Cheryl's waist and leans in close, brushing their lips together. "It's those shorts, Bombshell." She kisses her lightly, pulling back again to say, "They really do things to me." She smiles into the next kiss, pulling Cheryl flush against her body and seeking entrance into her mouth with her tongue.

Cheryl kisses her back for a minute before she feels those wandering hands make their way back to her ass again. She pulls back again. "As glad as I am that I have that effect on you, T.T, let's not do this in public, hmm? Don't really want to give everyone a free show."

Toni looks around seeing other students slowly make their way to their cars to leave for the day. She nods letting her hands fall from Cheryl's ass, feeling Cheryl detach herself from her.

Cheryl holds her hand out for Toni to take as she starts to walk to her car. She takes a few steps before she realises the pink haired girl isn't following. She turns back to see Toni staring at her, eyes clearly downcast and looking straight at her ass. "Really, Toni? You couldn't just wait until we get home?"

"You know I love to hold your hand, but today you just look too good from behind." Toni smirks at her.

"Take my hand and come with me now and I'll put on a little show for you when we get home." Cheryl smirks when she sees Toni's jaw drop. Toni quickly scurries over to her girlfriend, taking her hand and hurrying her along to the car.

They get seated in the car, Toni behind the wheel. Toni pulls out of the parking lot and makes her way to Thistlehouse. She pulls up on the driveway, hastily making her way out of the car and rushing to the door.

Cheryl leisurely makes her way over to her, happy to see how excited Toni gets over certain activities.

She opens the door and is swiftly pushed back against it by Toni whose hands instantly find their way to Cheryl's ass. She kisses her deeply, the redhead bringing her arms up to rest on Toni's shoulders, hands tugging on pink tresses.

Toni squeezes her ass roughly lifting her up and pushing her back into the door harder. Cheryl's legs wrap tightly around her waist as she moans at the display of strength. Toni grinds against her, sucking her bottom lip into her mouth and biting down hard. She soothes the sting with her tongue moving her kisses down Cheryl's jaw to her neck.

She kisses and sucks her way to just behind Cheryl's ear where she bites hard, sucking a deep mark into the skin there. One of Toni's hands makes its way round to the front of Cheryl's shorts fiddling with the button and zipper until she gets them loose. She wriggles her hand into Cheryl's shorts and beneath her panties, brushing her fingers over the slick heat she finds.

It's a tight fit, the leather shorts restricting her movements but she rubs against Cheryl, pulling moans and grunts from the girl she has pinned to the door.

She moves her kisses back up to Cheryl's lips, feeling the pleasurable sting of the redhead's hands tightening in her hair. She takes her lips in hers, swallowing moan after moan as she feels Cheryl tighten around her fingers.

Cheryl pulls back from the kiss to let out a guttural moan, taking in much needed air as she is helped down from her high. They breathe heavily into each other's mouths trading occasional light kisses as the redhead regains her composure.

Cheryl taps lightly on Toni's shoulder signalling to let her down. Toni eases her back to the floor pulling her hand from her shorts and bringing her fingers up to her mouth, licking them clean. She moans at the taste and Cheryl groans at the sight before her.

"As you clearly love my ass so much, let's head upstairs and I'll let you take me from behind." She pecks the shocked girl in front of her, before rushing up the stairs.

"Holy shit, she's gonna be the death of me," Toni mutters. She realises she's dawdling at the bottom of the stairs whilst her very attractive, very horny girlfriend is waiting for her and runs up the stairs to find her.

Cheryl will certainly be wearing those shorts more often.

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