One break please

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Toni peers down transfixed, eyes cast to the film of her camera; this project wouldn't get itself done, but he wishes it did. Absent to her surroundings, she fails to notice a certain redhead, filled with needy desire and a lustful hunger; a hunger for the former photography major.

Cheryl grins, eyes squinting with mysterious intent as she plots on ways of breaking her girlfriend's concentration; of breaking her focus so that only one thing remained on her mind, Cheryl.

Nimble fingers find the soft skin underneath Toni's chin as Cheryl straddles her thighs; kissing along the expanse of her neck and jawline. With a silent moan and a melodious chuckle, Toni gives her the attention she inquires, though, only for a moment as a flash startles them apart.

"Sorry," Toni laughs, eyes casting back into warm brown orbs, pushing a loose strand of red behind Cheryl's ear before speaking, "I'm sorry, Babe. I have to get this project then I'm all yours."

"You've been working since early this morning, TT. Why not take a break? I'm eager to show you what I learned from Veronica," Cheryl states, keeping Toni from moving away. She was adamant about getting Toni into bed right now; their roommates were out, for now, prompting Cheryl to make her move.

"As much as I would love to be between your legs, Babe, I just can't right now. I really have to get this project done for tomorrow."

Cheryl smirks, "A good girlfriend would say okay and go sulk quietly, but I'm not that girlfriend today, TT. If I can't have you now then I'll have myself," she informs her, allowing Toni to escape her clutches.

Toni sighs before she stumbles across the room, eyes remaining focused on the object in her hands. She couldn't look back now, there was too much at risk; like the fact that Cheryl, who fingers disappear beneath the fabric of her bathrobe, begins to actually pleasure herself.

The sound of slick wetness and Cheryl moans erupts throughout the once quiet room, causing Toni to clutch the edge of her camera. She's halfway done, almost there really, but Cheryl just so happens to be in a selfish mood. If you asked her if she wanted Toni, she would not hesitate to answer yes, but the same could not be said of Toni, even if it's not entirely true; Toni wants Cheryl, yes, but she wants this grade more at the moment.

She fights, fights hard to keep her eyes from roaming, to keep the sound of Cheryl fucking herself out of her mind; damn Watson and his sinister deadlines.

How she relents is baffling, but she finds the strength in her pictures as she turns her back, facing away from the redhead completely. With an exasperated sigh, Cheryl comes, not as hard as she would have liked, but a great orgasm nonetheless because this game she has in the works with Toni is entertaining.

Moving from her place on their bed, she saunters over toward the pink haired woman, a wicked smirk lacing her lips, as she finds herself straddling parted thighs.

"Babe, please."

"I'm here to make sure you take a break, no jokes. Like I said early, you have been working since early this morning and haven't had a single thing to eat all day."

Toni watches intently; gaze on Cheryl's wet fingers, licking her own lips as red lips part to welcome the addicting flavor, but before she can protest Cheryl's fingers find their way to her lips instead, subconsciously parting them to taste her girlfriend for the first time that day.

Tongue wrapping around the digits in her mouth, Toni sighs, licking the remnants of Cheryl off her fingers before releasing them. Nothing more had to be said, Toni was in too deep now, picking the redhead up before setting her down on their desk.

Fingers intertwine in red tresses, pulling until Cheryl finds herself moaning out at the lips that have attached themselves to her throat, biting down roughly, no doubt leaving a hickey, but Cheryl could careless. What sane rational person wouldn't want Toni Topaz marking them as hers.

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