So who's the boss?

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"You're the new girl, right?"

Toni looked at the long black-haired woman through the mirror in front of her, not moving a muscle from her vanity chair. Or if that could be called a vanity after all. Her makeup was smudged on the corner of her eye, her red lipstick fading. Toni wasn't finished with her own makeup, completely ignoring the other woman's presence behind her and getting closer to the mirror to finish her eyeliner, feeling her eyes darting up and down her body.

"Yeah, why?"

"Don't even dare to look at table five."

"Why? Is that your dad?" Toni spat with arched brows, looking at her through the mirror dead in the eyes. She watched her eyes turn almost red in anger and caught a glimpse of her hand turning into a fist and snorted. "Unless you have a very good reason, I think it's better for you to fuck off."

Come up with an attitude and they will leave you alone.

Veronica's words echoed inside Toni's head one more time when she watched the woman walking away from where Toni was. She had no idea where all of that had come from, but she was so goddamn glad it worked because Toni was not the kind to put up a fight. She took a deep breath and really focused on her makeup this time.

Her gig as a bartender was serving her just fine the last couple of months she was working at the Wyrm, but when Veronica told Toni during one of her weird random Google searches that a pole dancer made twice more than she did, Toni oddly considered it for two whole weeks before she ended up getting a fair try at the Thistlehouse.

The only problem was that Toni didn't actually know how to do pole dance. She had taken some gymnastic classes when she was younger, so she was hoping her muscle memory was up to date and wouldn't fail her now, given the idea that she at least knew what she was doing.

"I heard the boss is coming here today," Toni heard one of the girls near her, whose name Toni was pretty sure was Sapphire, talking to another one, a blonde with a petite body that definitely had the looks of a girl who shouldn't be there but at home doing homework.

The blonde scoffed. "I doubt it. She's never here. Last time I saw her was, what, three months ago?"

The man who politely took her and offered her the try-out night definitely looked like he owned the place, so Toni was surprised, to say the least, when she heard that the boss was actually a woman.

"She was here last week, you were busy giving the tall guy from table three a blowjob." Another one answered now, out of Toni's eyesight. She had to fight hard not to look around and see who the source of the voice was. Worse than being the new girl was being the new nosy girl.

"I hope she comes after eleven thirty tonight because I leave at 11. I'm not in the mood to be yelled at." Sapphire answered back with a tired sigh, getting a shrug from the blonde.

As the minutes passed by it got harder for Toni to control her nervousness. To say that she was the least comfortable in that golden piece that barely covered enough was an overstatement because all she wanted to do was to put on a sweater and jogging pants, but oh well.

It's just dancing and probably some hands way too close to parts where they shouldn't touch to give you some money, it's going to be fine, just relax, Toni repeated like a mantra in her head, but it wasn't helping as she eavesdropped the conversation in the room.

Toni regretted the decision seconds after she watched some of the girls walking out to the stage, anxiety starting to build up in her chest. When she saw Sapphire walking out, she knew she had fifteen twenty more minutes before she had to come out and stage her own dance. Toni reached for her bag under the vanity and took a flask filled with vodka out of it and took a large sip. Alcohol was the only thing capable of loosening her up in a situation like that.

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