A bad idea

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"This is a bad idea."

Toni chuckles against Cheryl's neck, "Probably."

"I don't want those baboons to hear us, we'll never live it down." Cheryl moans even as her head tips to the side. "Fuck. Toni, if you don't stop then this isn't going to end well."

"Oh, what is the big bad Blossom going to do to me?" Toni whispers as she pulls back to meet her girlfriend's gaze. "Are you going to eat me up?"

"You're a menace, Antoinette Crystal Topaz. And your sex drive is insane." Cheryl hums as she fists the lapels of Toni's leather jacket. "You're lucky I find you irresistible."

Toni softens as she cups Cheryl's jaw, "I find you irresistible too, Cher."

Cheryl merely arches an eyebrow as she roughly pulls down Toni's jackets until it's stuck at her elbows. With a groan of anticipation, Cheryl leads Toni back so she can hover her with a want shining in her dark eyes. Every kiss, every touch, every nip causes Toni's hips to arch as she whines and pleads for Cheryl to just touch her already. But it seems like her girlfriend is having more fun torturing her, having fun with the way her cherry red nails drag over flexing abs and play with the edge of her jeans. Finally, when Cheryl dips her fingers into Toni's jeans, Toni manages to struggle her arms free before she wraps an arm around Cheryl's waist and flips their positions.

Cheryl squeals as she finds her back against the stacked sleeping bags, "I was very much enjoying myself, Toni."

"I'm sure you were." Toni scoffs as she straddles her girlfriend's hips. "I, on the other hand, was definitely not."

"That's because you're impatient." Cheryl points out with a pout. "Well, if you're choosing to be on top then get to it."

"Get to it?" Toni repeats as she pulls her hands away and falls back to rest her weight on Cheryl's hips. "Cher, we've talked about that. It's insulting when you tell me to get to it."

"Babe, I didn't mean..." Cheryl trails off as she sits up and balances Toni against her thighs. "I don't see how we can make a situation like this romantic. We're camped out with three morons who are howling at the moon."

Toni nods as her hands frame Cheryl's face, "I told you we didn't have to stay here, I don't mind spending time at Thistlehouse."

"I know, TT," Cheryl sighs. "But this is where Sweet Pea and Fangs are, where most of your family is living. I know you don't want to be too far from them, I don't mind compromising."

"Anyone ever tell you that you're the best thing in this godawful town?" Toni snorts. "Because you are. And you're the best thing that's ever happened to me."

Cheryl swallows hard as she cups the back of Toni's neck and leads her into another kiss. As Toni slowly guides Cheryl back, they hear a harsh whistle and Toni gasps as she pulls away to look for the source of the sound. Immediately, Cheryl is on guard as Toni scrambles for her phone and flips on the flashlight to shine it around the tent. Cheryl furrows her brow in confusion as she sees a single arrow lying abandoned just inches away from where and Toni had been sitting only moments ago. Toni hisses in annoyance as she picks it up and looks to her girlfriend whose face glows with anger and frustration.

"What the fuck?" Toni growls.

Cheryl snatches the arrow, "That's my arrow, it came from my bow. Someone literally almost killed you with this."


Toni sees the fire that crackles in Cheryl's eyes as she stumbles out of the tent, and Toni scrambles after while trying to pull on her jacket. It doesn't take them long to track down the laughter of Fangs and Sweet Pea as they search for another bow. It isn't surprising that Cheryl is protective, and Toni definitely finds it hot, but she knows this certain gleam in those dark brown eyes. This is the gleam of someone who is ready to hurt, ready to avenge Toni in anyway she can. So, when Cheryl clears her throat and the boys fall silent, Toni can see the way Sweet Pea immediately flinches.

"What's going on?" Jughead demands as he steps away from the fire.

"Toni and I were in her tent having a bit of a...rendezvous..."

Toni grabs the arrow carefully, "When this arrow shot right through. Three inches closer and we both would've died."

"Oh come on, don't be so dramatic..."

"Dramatic?" Cheryl repeats in a hiss. "You almost took out my girlfriend with an arrow from my own bow. If you'd like me to show you dramatic, then I happily will."

Sweet Pea rolls his eyes, "I'm not scared of you or your bow, Red."

"Oh? Is that so?" Cheryl scoffs as she takes a step forward, but Toni immediately catches her arm. "I'd appreciate it if you'd leave my bow alone, that was a gift from my brother."

Fangs holds his hands up, "Sorry."

"It won't happen again." Sweet Pea huffs. "We were only practicing our aim for the next quest. No big deal."

"It'd be big deal if it shot through my head." Toni mumbles as she leans into Cheryl's side. "And why the hell would we need a real bow?"

Sweet Pea smirks, "We wanna take G&G into the real world."

"Absolutely not." Jughead scoffs.

"Why?" Fangs demands. "Other groups are doing it."

"Tough." Jughead responds with a shrug. "I'm the game master so I decide when we go off board and take it into the real world."

Sweet Pea rolls his eyes, "You're the Serpent King, Jones. Isn't that enough? We're your foot soldiers in real life so now we have to be the same in the game? Down in the mud, taking all the risks?"

"Sweet Pea, we're not starting this again. Cheryl, grab your bow." Jughead orders as he keeps an eye on the other two Serpents. "Notch an arrow."

"Jones, what are you doing?"

"Don't worry about it." Jughead snaps as he flashes a glare at Toni while he drops back against a tree with a soda can on his head. "Shoot it, Cheryl. Now."

Cheryl looks to Toni, "What?"

"Do it, Dead Eye! Now!"

Toni opens her mouth to spew out a few words to Jughead about yelling at her girlfriend, but the arrow is already cutting through the air and lodging into the soda can. The entire air feels tense as Jughead reaches up to pull the arrow free and remove the soda can. Cheryl grabs her arrow as Jughead walks by and returns to her spot beside Toni as she drapes an arm around her shoulders. Toni sinks into her touch and turns her head to press kiss to her hand as she listens to Jughead order Sweet Pea to move to the tree.

"Hell no." Sweet Pea sneers as he catches the soda can Jughead tosses his way. "You're fucking crazy, Jones."

"No, I'm game master. Which means it's my game and my rules." Jughead hisses. "You guys wanna go on a quest? Wanna prove you're a badass? You'll get your chance, but not until I say so. Don't defy me again."

Toni watches as Jughead storms off back to his tent, "Damn. That boy is getting way too wrapped up in this game, and if he ever yells at you again then I will personally cut his balls off."

"We can always choose to back out of this, if you want." Cheryl offers as she ducks her head to lean against Toni's temple. "We don't have to stay wrapped up in this."

"We already are." Toni sighs as she turns her head to meet Cheryl's lips. "Something tells me we won't be escaping anytime soon."

Cheryl smiles sadly against her lips, "If you want out, just tell me. I promise we can pull out as soon as you feel uncomfortable."

"I know, babe." Toni nods. "I'm okay."

As they stood their, Sweet Pea grumbling and the fire softly cracking, neither of them knew how deep into this game they would end up; the only plus side is that they at least have each other.

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