Don't Get Us Caught

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"Come on babe, please?" says Toni, "It'll be fun! And it's a good chance for you to get to know them, I know they didn't treat you well last year but just give them a chance. Jug has already apologized and so has Betty."

"No Toni, I refuse to go on a double date with the King of the Dark Side and his Little Miss Sunshine! I'd much rather spend my evening here with you cuddling and making out," Cheryl replies while trailing her hand up Toni's thigh.

Toni closes her eyes getting lost and leaning in o Cheryl's touch. Cheryl moves from sitting next to Toni to straddling her on the worn couch and begins to place soft kisses along Toni's neck. Toni's head tilts back on the couch as she lets out a soft moan that lets Cheryl know she's doing exactly what she needs to get her way.

Toni brings her hands up to grasp Cheryl's hips and grinds into her touch as Cheryl slowly rocks her hips against Toni. Just as things began to get heated, Toni's phone alerts her to an incoming text.

Cheryl and Toni ignore the message and continue with their heated makeout session but her phone keeps ringing and soon Toni pulls back, Cheryl groans in dismay at the loss of contact.

"Sorry babe, I just have to make sure it's not important" says Toni as she gently guides Cheryl off of her in order to grab her phone.

Cheryl scoffs, "Please, nothing is as important as me, but go ahead and see what they want so we can get back to where we left off" Cheryl lays her head on Toni's shoulder as Toni opens her phone to see who it was and what they wanted.

Jug: 4:30 Have you convinced the ice queen to come on this double date that Betty's been begging me for?
4:35 Toni?
4:46 Come on please? Betty won't shut up about this damn date.

Toni: 4:50 Relax, not yet but give me 5 and I can make it happen

Toni closes her phone, grabs Cheryl's hand and begins playing with her fingers. "You know I love you right? And I would do anything for you?"

"I know TT, I love you too. But that doesn't mean I'm going to willingly go spend any time at all on ½ of the Scooby Gang. Let alone go on a double date with them."

"Please babe? Please do it for me?" Toni pleads, giving her best puppy dog eyes which seem to have little to no effect on Cheryl.

"Babe no. And that's my final answer." Cheryl says, looking away from Toni, afraid that if she looks too long she'll give in.

As Cheryl looks away, Toni tries a new tactic. Trailing her hand up Cheryl's arm and whispering in her ear "I'll make it worth your time." Before softly biting down on Cheryl's earlobe and feeling the goosebumps raise on Cheryl's arm from the soft touch.

Cheryl closes her eyes, knowing she's fighting a losing battle. "Ugh fine!" She concedes, standing up from her spot. She turns and points a finger at Toni, "I'll do this one time and one time only. I'm doing this for you so you better make it worth my time" Cheryl promptly turns and exits towards their shared room to go get ready for tonight's affairs.

Toni smirks and shakes her head at Cheryl's antics, taking out her phone she sends one final text to Jughead.

Toni: 5 We'll be there, all it took was a little persuading and some puppy dog eyes.

Jug: 5:01 Damn, thanks Tiny. Who knew that the queen bee herself would be so whipped.

Toni chuckles as she sets her phone down to go get read for tonight with Cheryl.

They take Toni's bike over to meet Betty and Jug at Pop's. In spite of how reluctant she was to ride on the back of Toni's so called 'death trap on wheels' at first, Cheryl has grown to love riding with Toni down the winding roads on the back of her bike. A fact that she refuses to admit to both herself, and Toni.

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