Youre mine, and only mine

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"Don't you dare touch her," Cheryl hisses, and poor Betty Cooper shrinks into herself.

"Sorry, Cheryl, I thought..."

"Get your filthy hands off her, you egg!"


"No! Toni, she's touching you and you're mine and she's not allowed to, TT."

"Okay, Cheryl, I'm straight, and I have no interest whatsoever in dating Toni –"

"Are you saying she's not worthy? Because she is, you peasant. She's the most wonderful girlfriend anyone could ask for and I will not have you putting her down!"


"That's not what I meant, Cher," Betty looks fed up. "You know that's not what I meant."

"It better have not been, cousin. Because if it was..."

"Cheryl." Toni's not sure if she's pissed at her girlfriend or flattered. "Baby, calm down."

Cheryl shoos Betty away and pulls Toni closer, pushing her roughly against the lockers and resting her head against the serpent's. "You're mine, Toni. Mine."

Toni tightens her grip on Cheryl's curls. "I know, Cher –"

"Not Betty's. Not Veronica's. Not Josie's or Jughead's or Archie's. Mine."

Toni looks right up into Cheryl's eyes. "Show me."

She feels Cheryl's breath hitch and the redhead attacks her, sucking a deep bruise into Toni's dark skin. "Cher..." Toni whispers. "Kiss me."

Cheryl shakes her head. "Take me home, Toni, and I'll do much more."

Toni's all too quick to succumb. "Your car, five minutes," she breathes.

"Make it two," Cheryl husks, detaching from Toni's smooth skin with a pop, smiling satisfactorily at the pulsing bruise she's left.


They don't even make it to the bedroom. The second the door's locked behind them, Cheryl's on top of Toni, taking charge for once in a fit of rage. She slams the smaller girl against the way, shoving her thigh in between Toni's legs and bringing her hands up to hold Toni's shoulders.

"Cheryl," Toni murmurs, panting already. "Just... kiss... me, please, Cher."

Cheryl grins wickedly. "What was that, TT?"

"Please, Cheryl!"

Cheryl smirks. "I'm not sure, TT." She jerks her knee up, hitting right between Toni's legs, and the shorter girl lets out a short gasp. Cheryl holds it there, scratching lightly at Toni's neck, and Toni melts, perfectly happy for her girlfriend to be in charge for once.

"Cher..." she moans. "Cheryl..."

Cheryl ignores her, trailing her fingers down to grip Toni's round ass, grinding her leg up and down against Toni's center, the shorter girl beginning to break already.

"More, Cher," Toni pants, trying to rub against Cheryl's knee, desperate for friction, but Cheryl pushes her down and removes her leg, looking down at Toni hungrily. "What would you prefer, Toni-girl," she whispers, her voice tight. "Fingers, or tongue?"

She licks a line from Toni's collarbone to below her ear, sucking hard on her earlobe and eliciting a moan from the shorter girl.

Toni's lost all her words, panting heavily, sure that if Cheryl even goes near where she needs her that she's going to fall apart completely.

"I said," Cheryl hisses. "What do you want, Toni?"

Toni pants, her mouth slack. "Want... you... Cheryl."

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