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Cheryl and Toni had always been best friends. For the past year, that is, but it feels like they've known each other for way longer. In fact, they were so close that people had a suspicion that they might be dating. With all of the cheek kisses, close quarters, and smiling between the two, people were very adamant about finding the truth. Toni was bisexual and everyone at school knew that. Cheryl was straight, as far as anyone knew, including Toni.

They were currently in Cheryl's bed on their phones and catching up on the latest. Their sleepovers happened frequently and almost every Friday night. Cheryl was laying on her stomach with her pillow supporting her chest as she scrolled through Instagram. Toni was beside her on her side, facing Cheryl, but also on Instagram.

"So I'm seeing this girl," Toni started with her eyes still glued to the phone screen.

"Oh! Do tell!" Cheryl's voice was high-pitched and excited. Toni could see a wide grin on her face illuminated by her phone. That was the only light in the room because the sun had set hours ago and everyone in the house was asleep but them. They could hear Jason snoring softly in the next room.

"Well, not really seeing. We're just talking." Toni hesitated for a moment. This girl she was talking about was just someone to pass the time. A distraction.

The only girl she would want to date was laying right next to her.

"That's still something. Go on." Cheryl put her phone down and looked at her best friend in the cutest way.

Toni caught glimpse of this and lowered her phone. She had stumbled on her next words after seeing how both cute and hot she looked at the same time. Her beauty was truly a sin. "She's a Serpent and, good god, she's fucking smokin'."

"Oh, like you aren't." The redhead rolled her eyes.

See, there's the thing. The occasional flirty compliment that always seemed unnecessary. It's a best friend just trying to hype another best friend up, but they were both in pajamas without any reminiscence of makeup on their faces. What was the point? It was just them. If they were at a school dance or prom, it would be different.

Toni chose to ignore it. "Her name's Blake and she's nineteen."

"Didn't know you were into cougars." Cheryl joked and laughed.

Toni pushed Cheryl's shoulder playfully. "Shut up." She laughed too.

"Do you have a picture of this Blake?"

"Only nudes, Bombshell," Toni smirked as Cheryl's jaw dropped.

"You're kidding!"

"Nope." Both of the girls were smiling now.

"Did you send any back?"

Toni pursed her lips, trying to hide her smile. After a few seconds of not answering, Cheryl caught on.

"Toni!" Her mouth just stayed open at this point.


"Are they new? I haven't seen your nudes in a while." Cheryl raised a brow.

"Probably. Here." Toni went into the hidden section of her photos and pulled up her new ones. She was laying on her back on as Cheryl shuffled over and laid down next to her. Cheryl leaned her head on one shoulder while her arm looped around Toni's chest and held onto her other shoulder. They were cuddling. Something that Cheryl would do that no one at school would expect is that she was really touchy when she was comfortable with someone. Not the extreme kind of touchy that can get annoying but a good amount that makes you feel loved and wanted. This was one of those times.

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