Can we be friends

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Like i promised heres the oneshot😉 its about Choni in their jung ages like 12 or so

The soles of purple sketchers crunched on the sidewalk as Toni Topaz hopped off the porch of her worn down trailer. "Mommm! I'm going to the forest!" She called out with her cute childish voice, a little grin on her lips. "I'm gonna bring you and Trent pretty pretty flowers!" She exclaimed as her mother, Annarose stepped down the stairs with a small laugh, "How sweet, your brother and I will love them. But you missy, need some sunscreen." The woman said, already embracing for Toni's fuss.

"Whyyy! It's not even sunny!" The young girl groaned, crossing her arms as she looked up at the cloud slowly uncovering the sun with a scowl, "Oh you stupid cloud.." She mumbled under her breath, stomping her small foot on the floor before looking at her mother again. Though Annarose knew exactly what was going to happen and quickly picked the small girl up.

"You aren't going anywhere until you have sunscreen." She said before Toni could take off and stood her on the metal cladded porch, blocking the stairs. "Arms out." She said and Toni sighed dramatically stretching out her two arms as her mom applied the sunblock to the girls skin. "This your favourite shirt or what?" Annarose teased playfully, looking at Toni's purple Hulk t-shirt with jean shorts. "Yep! I wanna be a superhero when I'm big like you. But for now, I'll just wear one!"

"So sticky.' Toni huffed once her mother was finished with the sunblock, but still appreciated the small cheek kiss she was given even after the fuss. "Ok mommy! I'll be back soon. Maybe Sweetpea and Fangs will join me!" She said, hopeful her two best friends would want to go play in the forest and pick some flowers. "Alright baby. Have fun, come back when your watch says 5:30 okay? Dinner will be ready." Annarose explained in a soft tone as she ran her fingers through her hair with a small yawn. It just made her tired watching how much energy her daughter had.

Toni nodded with a small hum as she looked at her pink digital watch. "Five.. three.. Zero." She whispered so she remembered the time she had to return home before practically sprinting to her friend Sweetpea's trailer and knocked on the door. Super loud too, just in case they didn't hear her stomps on the metal stairs. "Hey there kiddo." The boys dad said as he opened the door. "Hey adulto!" Toni said wittily out of breath, earning a small laugh from the man. "Looking for Pea?" He asked, raising his thick, scruffy eyebrow and Toni nodded with a smile "Yep! Where's my buddy ol' pal?" She asked.

"Ah, T. You just missed him. He went with Fangs and his dad out to the lake to go fishing." The man said, knowing Toni would be let down. "Oh." Toni sighed, looking at her toes for a second. "Well that's okay! I can see them another time." She said with a smile before hopping off the porch and waved goodbye to Sweetpea's dad. Toni was used to this. It was a hit or miss really. Fangs' dad always took the two boys out for all these fun adventures but never invited Toni. He quoted them as 'too manly' for the young girl. Toni just brushed it off, of course it bothered her but she couldn't do much about it. Though Toni had a great imagination so that was handy in times like these.

Meanwhile, shouts within the northside mansion; Thornhill erupted through the walls as Penelope Blossom terrorized one of her two twins. She always favoured the boy, Jason over the girl, Cheryl. If Jason were to hurt himself, Penelope would be there in an instant. Quickly helping him to clean up the wounds. But Cheryl on the other hand would be given the "you should've been paying attention" speech, given a bandaid and pushed aside. Jason would receive anything he'd ask for, Cheryl? She'd get nothing. At most maybe a new dress for her birthday. It wasn't even a dress she liked.

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