I missed this.. i missed you

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It was a usual Saturday night for Toni Topaz. She was working as a barmaid at the Whyte Wyrm. The serpent's bar. It was a very boring night. Usually, Saturdays were more busy.

Toni was a beautiful girl and she knew it. She wasn't scared of using her charm to get whatever she wants. She was single for a few weeks was dating a girl from Greendale a few months before, but they ended their relationship with a common accord. Toni wasn't fully committed to this relationship. In fact for the past 7 years she was never committed to any of the relationships she had. The only person in her mind being Cheryl Blossom. The most beautiful girl on this planet. Sure Cheryl had her issues, but still. Toni was in love with her. She still is. Her former girlfriend. Her soulmate. The girl she wants to marry and spend her life with. Toni finally made the decision to not have any serious relationship. She was human and had needs, but a friend with benefits arrangement would be perfect for her.

The last girl she dated agreed with her to continue to see each other for sex only. Everyone was comfortable with that.

During her shift, she received drinks from a few clients men mostly. She wasn't interested but the free drinks were nice. She was a little tipsy by the end of the night. She thought it would be a great idea to text her ex Dina. She took her phone, chose Dina's contact and texted her.

Toni: Hey baby, what are you doing? I was just thinking about you naked in my bed.

?: Who is this?

Toni: You already forgot about me babe? Tell me what are you wearing?

?: I think you got the wrong number.

Toni: Come on Dina. It's Toni.

? :Toni? Toni Topaz?

Toni: Do you know a lot of Toni? Yeah it's me Toni Topaz. You wanna hang out after my shift. I could see what you are wearing 😉 And see what is under.

?: T.T you have the wrong number, it's me Cheryl.

Oh crap. Toni thought.

Toni: Fuck I'm sorry, Cher. Wrong number. I'm a little drunk and your name is just before the person I wanted to text on my phone. I'm very sorry.

Cheryl: That's okay Toni. It's not like you to drunk text though. Are you okay?

Toni: Don't worry about me Cher. I'm gonna call a cab after my shift. I'm fine.

Cheryl: You know I'm still there for you Toni. I could come and get you.

Fuck. Toni was really thinking about asking Cheryl to come and get her. They were barely on speaking terms. They only speak to talk about the Vixens and Britta.

Toni: I can't ask you that Cher. It's late and you have Britta with you.

Cheryl: Britta is with a friend tonight. Think about it T.T. It would be my pleasure.

Toni: The things you make me think about..

Toni was drunk. She had a couple shots that night and alcohol was making her a lot less shy.

Cheryl: What things?

Toni: How sexy you still look.

Cheryl: Toni...

Cheryl was still in love with Toni. She just couldn't hurt her again with the curse on her family. She loves her too much to hurt her again.

Toni: We are both adults. You know. We could have fun. And we both respect each other.

Cheryl: You can't be serious.

Toni: I am deadly. Call me when you change your mind.

Toni ended up this night alone. Not being in the mood for anyone else. She was thinking about the redhead. Texting her, by mistake, just reminded her of how much she missed her.

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