Heather's Come Back

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Ok this is really hard i'd cry by myself when i wrote this so here we go. Pls give me requests..

The halls of Riverdale High were abuzz with whispers of the new girl who had arrived that morning. Word quickly spreading that the new girl wasn't all that 'new' and was in fact a returning student. Not only was she a returning student, she was also the schools resident Queen's old best friend. Cheryl's reaction was greatly anticipated among the population of Riverdale High.

The first time Toni heard of the 'new' girl was as she walked into the common room that morning. Betty and Veronica were talking in hushed voices, sitting on one of the sofas. She heard the name 'Heather' among their hushed words and her heart jumped into her throat.

"Did you say Heather?" she questions, walking closer to the pair. They can't mean the same Heather. Can they? No, that's ridiculous. Why would she come back?

Betty and Veronica turn towards Toni at her question. They share a look before Betty speaks up. "Um, yeah I did. She's back, living in Riverdale again."

Toni stands, shocked for a second, unable to move. She needs to get to Cheryl.

Noting the look of panic crossing Toni's face, Veronica stands, placing a comforting hand on her arm. "Are you okay, Toni?"

Toni nods dumbly. "Uh... Yeah. Have you guys seen Cheryl?"

"She said she had to go to her locker after English."

Toni nods again, not bothering to look at them as she mutters out a thanks and walks out of the room. She walks down the hallway towards her girlfriend's locker, freezing when she sees her talking to a girl and looking rather uncomfortable.

Cheryl's back is to her and but she can see the tension in her shoulders, nails digging in to a tightly closed fist. The girl in front of her, Heather she assumes, is smiling at her as she leans against the locker next to her.

A hand coming out to touch Cheryl's arm is what spurs her back into action. Toni quickly moves towards the duo. She wraps her arms around Cheryl's waist from behind, pulling her into her body and away from Heather's touch. "Hey, baby," she says, kissing Cheryl's cheek and squeezing her lightly in greeting. "Everything okay?"

Cheryl relaxes as soon as she feels Toni's arms around her. She brings her hands up to Toni's arms squeezing her hand gently in reassurance. She turns her head to face Toni, giving her a quick peck, as best she can with the angle. "Hey, T.T. I was just coming to find you."

"Well I found you. Who's your friend?" She flicks her eyes up to Heather, noting the uncomfortable look on her face.

Cheryl squeezes her hands tighter around Toni's. "This is Heather. Heather this is Toni. My girlfriend."

Heather looks shocked at her words. "Girlfriend?" she questions with a tight lipped smile. She looks increasingly uncomfortable.

"Yep." Toni grins at her. "I'm the luckiest girl in the world." She kisses Cheryl on the cheek again squeezing her tightly.

Cheryl smiles widely at her girlfriends words, leaning back into her embrace. "That was incredibly cheesy, T.T," she chuckles.

"Yeah but you love it." She turns Cheryl slightly in her arms, giving her a better angle to lean in and place a soft kiss on her lips.
They break apart at the clearing of a throat sounding next to them. "So about that catch up, Cher?" Heather says, clearly annoyed by the public display of affection.

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