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Toni grimaces as the over sweet taste of maple syrup floods her mouth. It had been like this since she can remember. Every morning the same taste. Maple. Fucking. Syrup. She is honestly sick of it.

She is sick of the whole soulmate thing by this point. The idea that you can taste everything that your soulmate can is crazy to Toni. How you can know you want to be with someone based off of their taste is ridiculous.

She is on her way to school when she gets another hint of sweet maple on the tip of her tongue. She groans. This is it. She's had enough. Time to make her apparent soulmate pay for having to deal with that sickly sweet taste for too long.

She texts Sweet Pea getting him to cover for her in first period so she can run to the store quickly before school. It was time for pay back. She smiled to herself, making her way to the store.


Toni had been waiting for lunch period excitedly all day. She knew it probably wasn't the nicest thing to do but still, whoever her soulmate is they need to learn to ease up on the syrup.

She sits down next to Fangs and Sweet Pea, pulling out her rather unconventional lunch. Fangs scrunches his face up in disgust at the can of anchovies, jar of pickles, and pickled onions she places on the table.

"Uhh... Tiny, are you okay? That's a seriously disgusting looking lunch you have there."

Sweet Pea nods along, agreeing with him. "Yeah, T. What the hell is that all about?"

Toni just smirks at them popping open the jar of pickles and taking one out. "This is about my soulmate making me taste fucking maple syrup every fucking morning." She ends her sentence by taking a large bite out of the pickle, cringing slightly at the taste.

"Wait, so your soulmate, whoever they are, eats maple syrup every day. Which tastes pretty good last I checked. And so you're eating all this gross food because?"

Toni finishes the pickle wiping her hands on a paper napkin and reaching for the onions. "Because, Fangs, tasting syrup every day for how as long as you can remember gets pretty shitty after about a year." She shrugs as she takes a bite of an onion. "I just figured why not get a little payback."

They turn when they hear a rather loud cough coming from the popular kids table. Cheryl Blossom seems to be having a little problem with something she's eating if her disgusted facial expression is anything to go by.

Toni narrows her eyes at her slightly. No, no way. This has to be some sort of coincidence. No way is her soulmate Cheryl fucking Blossom. Toni takes another bite seeing the redheads face turn again, sticking her tongue out in disgust.

Although that would make sense. Their family does own the largest maple syrup business in the US. But no, not a Blossom. Surely. Blossoms and Serpents don't mix.

She opens the can of anchovies, keeping her eyes on Cheryl. She lifts one to her mouth, gagging slightly at the smell.

"Are you sure about eating that, Tiny? That smells fucking gross," Sweet Pea says. "Keep that shit away from me." He pushes at her lightly.

Toni rolls her eyes, and puts one in her mouth, chewing and attempting to swallow the gross fish. She turns back to Cheryl, watching the girl gag at the taste in her mouth. Holy shit. Cheryl Blossom, HBIC, is her soulmate.

The taste gets too much, Toni spitting the rest into the napkin on the table. Fangs pushes her away, Toni nearly falling off the table barely catching herself. "That was fucking disgusting, Tiny. Jeez. Get off our table with that shit."

Toni shoves him back, glaring at him. "Shut up, ass." She turns back to look at Cheryl only to find brown eyes staring right back at her. She sees her eyes flick down to the food in front of her before meeting her eyes again. She sees realisation hit Cheryl from across the room.

The redhead wackily grabs her bag, leaving the table in a hurry, rushing out of the room. Toni quickly grabs her stuff and follows after her. Leaving behind a rather confused Sweet Pea and Fangs.

She chased the redhead out of the cafeteria and down the hall. The girls pace never faltering as she runs from the Serpent.

"Cheryl!" Toni calls after her, wanting to talk to the girl who happens to be her soulmate. "Cheryl, please. Can we at least talk about this?" She picks up her pace, jogging slightly to catch up to the fleeing girl. She grabs her hand turning her round to face her.

Cherry red lips are on hers and maple has never tasted so good. The taste of the sweet maple and something distinctly Cheryl is intoxicating. Toni can't think of anything she'd rather taste ever again.

Cheryl pulls back from their heated kiss, panting lightly. Toni takes her in, kiss swollen lips and red lipstick smudged around her chin. She can't imagine she is looking much better right now.

"You taste disgusting, Cha Cha." Cheryl says through a laugh.

Toni gasps, feigning hurt and putting her hand to her chest in shock, "I'm offended, Red. So rude."

Cheryl rolls her eyes at the girl in front of her, reaching into her bag for a mint and bringing it up to the pink haired girls lips. "Open up, T.T."

Toni takes the mint into her mouth, tongue coming out to swipe over Cheryl's finger as she does. She grins cheekily at the girl. "Will you kiss me again now?"

Cheryl smiles widely back at her, leaning in and connecting their lips once again.

She pulls back again pulling a whine from Toni. "If you ever pull something like that again, you will be cut off."

Toni, grins at her nodding her head. "Of course, Bombshell. I wouldn't expect anything less." She pulls her back in connecting their lips in a sweet, minty kiss.

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