Teachers desk

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I'm so going to hell after this😂 anyway the beginning is a little sad but then theres a 8 years later Toni and Cheryl switch so yeahhhhhh

When Archie returned to Riverdale a few days prior, it goes without saying that the rest of the gang followed quickly after he revealed the truth about what was going on in the small town to them. The dark secrets that had been festering since they graduated, were finally being addressed. But one particular person was missing.


Toni had gone to see her, at first not knowing where to look. Needless to say, they had lost touch with each other quite some time ago. She'd first gone to Thistle House, only to be told the building had been sold years before to a major property developer, undoubtably Hiram Lodge having some wrongfully willed involvement in that.

Begrudgingly she had gotten back on her bike and returned to Pops, where she'd promised she'd meet with Archie again.

"This might sound crazy, but did you try Thornhill?" The redheads suggestion had been met with a scoff from Veronica, who had argued that there's no way in hell Cheryl would take residence at her former childhood home that she willingly burned to the ground almost ten years prior.

"Well have any of you even attempted to talk to her in the past five years? Would you know anything?" Toni couldn't hide her annoyance at the situation.

She and Cheryl had hooked up with each other, and been in contact for two years after Toni left for Highsmith, seeing each other on holidays and whenever else they possibly could.

Over time Toni had began to realise that it wasn't working for them, and it shattered both their hearts all over again when it had been the pink haired woman who had to be the one to say it this time around. She still loved Cheryl, she never stopped and she knew she most likely never would, but Cheryl knew she was holding Toni back from her full potential and Toni didn't want Cheryl to feel like she was a second option to her.

When she'd pulled up to Thornhill Manor the following afternoon, she found herself hesitating to approach the large, gothic gates. She felt as though Cheryl wanted to be left alone, but God she'd been alone for five whole years since Toni left her again and her nana passed away. Alice Cooper had long since gotten custody of the twins and taken them away, Cheryl insisting that as much as she wanted to be with them, she didn't want this town to ruin their innocence as it had done her and Jason's.

So Toni let herself in through the grand wooden doors, questioning why Cheryl would leave it unlocked after everything they've been through. The place was unfamiliar, she'd only been here once and it was when Cheryl had decided to throw a pool party on the last day of summer eight years ago, and the mansion was still a shell of the former grand building it had been before.

She found Cheryl in a candle lit room, surrounded by canvas paintings and extravagant crimson floral arrangements.

She looked barely recognisable as the bombshell she remembered, she was as breathtakingly beautiful as ever. But her makeup-free face and the wallowing sadness in her eyes just made her seem so - different.

The redhead looked as though she'd seen a ghost, pain in her eyes at the sight of her ex lover's bulging stomach, clearly making assumptions in her mind.

"T-Toni? Wha-?" She wanted to respond, she really did. She wanted to reach out and take her favourite person into her arms and never let anything hurt her ever again. But she didn't, instead she watched as her beautiful face went through every emotion before landing on the unmistakable image of hurt.

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