Why Her?

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She first hears it from her long line of comrades, none of whom she particularly cares about.

The Southside Serpents are being transferred to Riverdale High.

Her Riverdale High. The one where she resides as queen, at the top of the food chain, at the forefront of every admirer's imagination.

Cheryl prides herself on many things. Her intellect. Her wit. Her looks, of course. She wasn't just raised a Blossom for nothing. It had its perks. And she simply could not allow snakes into her garden.

"Thank you, Jessica. That will be all," Cheryl says tightly, dismissing her minion. Her heels crack down the hallway until she spots Reggie Mantle leaning over the railing. "Reginald," she says, shifting her stance into crossed arms.

He turns toward her, quirking an eyebrow. "Cheryl Blossom," he says with a smirk.

She rolls her eyes. "Eyes up here, you vulture. I came to ask for your help," she says before noting his expression and adding, "not for that, imbecile."

"And what is it that Princess needs today?" he mocks.

Cheryl steps closer to him and squints. "I need those trailer-park tragedies out of my school immediately."

Reggie turns his eyes to the floor below the railing as Veronica Lodge's welcoming voice echoes through the halls. "I dunno, that one there is kinda hot."

Cheryl's eyes fall on Veronica. "Veronica's not a serpent, you ghoul."

His eyebrows furrow. "I...didn't mean Veronica."

Fuck. Cheryl stands straighter as if it'll seep into her personality. "I know that."

He gives her a curious look before nodding below again. "I meant that short one, with the flannel around her waist."

Cheryl's eyes screw shut and she silently prays that one look at this girl won't break her.

Unfortunately for her, all the prayers in the world wouldn't be enough to rid her of the electricity she feels in her body as her eyes fall upon the serpent girl. Cheryl can only see her from a high-up view but her heart thuds out her chest all the same. As Cheryl lets her gaze drop down to the girl's full breasts, smooth brown skin and the flannel tied around her hips, she curses internally. She loses it when she sees that the girl is wearing netted tights and combat boots.

"Whatever," Cheryl breathes out, voice cracking on the one word. A familiar pulse breaks out in her groin. "Are you going to help me or not?"

"I'll do what I can, bombshell," he says finally. "Now come on. Let's get this shitshow on the road."

Cheryl looks smug as the two of them descend the stairs. "Stand down, Eva Perón," she calls out against Veronica.

She didn't notice so many of her crones following behind her and Reggie, but it's all the same to her.

Veronica tries to challenge Cheryl, but Cheryl shoots her down with insults pulled from a bag. She has no time to be clever while being this close to the Serpent girl who's caught her attention.

And, by God, has she caught it. Up close, Cheryl can see the defined arch of her eyebrows, the pursing of full lips, the way her leather jacket hugs her shoulders. She imagines herself clinging to the jacket on the girl's back, trapped underneath her small weight but unable to move nonetheless, the girl grinding her body against Cheryl's bare one.

The girl must have noticed Cheryl's interest because all of a sudden Cheryl hears her saying angrily, "Why don't you come over here and say that to my face?"

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