What Are We Gonna Do With Your Moms Body?

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"I've waited so long for this moment, but now that it's here, I don't know how to feel."

"Cheryl," Toni paused for a minute as if she was gathering her thoughts together. "Shouldn't you be kind of happy that she's gone?"

"TT, how could you say such a thing?!"

"Cheryl, she was a horrible mother to you. She abused you, she yelled at you all the time, and she treated you like you were nothing."

I looked away from her, tears forming in my eyes.

"Cheryl, you are so much more than that. You're everything good in this world, you're sensational."

Looking up, I could see Toni giving me a sad smile.

"You are completely right in all aspects. I don't know how to feel. I agree, I think I should be happy, but weirdly enough, I'm not. A part of me wants to be, but I just can't. She still was my mother and my family, even if she treated me like I was a horrible person. Which I am..." I trailed off quietly.

"You aren't a horrible person. Maybe you were before, but you've changed for the better."

"That's the thing, TT. I haven't changed. I-"

"Cheryl Marjorie Blossom, yes, you have. Some people just don't see that. You're nothing like you mother. She was a monster and I'll be damned if I let you follow in her footsteps. The people that don't think you have changed are wrong. You have nothing to prove to them, because they'll never listen. No matter what you do, they'll never catch up with the rest of us that see you in a different light than before. Your friends and family see you in a different light, and that's all that matters. Most importantly, I, see you in a different light. If they can't see that you've changed, well then their stupid."

"Toni," I started but Toni to cut me off again.

"Cheryl," She warned as she stared at me.

"Let me talk." Toni just nodded in response. "It's not that I don't understand what you're saying, because I do. I just feel like I haven't changed. Even if you guys think so, I still feel the same. Maybe my attitude has changed since I met you and we started dating, but I still feel like I'm a bitchy person all the time."

Toni sighed but spoke softly.

"Cheryl, you can be kind of a bitch sometimes. That part is true, but you do it because you're protecting your friends and family. You defend people and that's a big thing, especially for you. Even if you don't see it in yourself, you have changed and I will continue to convince you of that until you get it."

"You really are an amazing person, Toni. You know a lot of people would just give up on me at this point, but you didn't. Your a great girlfriend and I'm so glad that I met you."

"You should be." Toni said with a flip of her brown and pink hair.

I laughed as she put her hand out to help me up. Toni pulled me up as I hugged her tightly.

"I love you so much, Toni Topaz."

"And I love you, Cheryl Blossom."

Toni hung her hands around my neck as she leaned up to place a kiss on my lips. The kiss was light and quick as she pulled away with her brows furrowed as if thinking about something.

"Wait, what are we gonna do with...ya know...your moms body?" Toni asked softly as our foreheads rested against each other.

I put my hands on her waist and pulled her close to my front.

"I've got that covered. Let me handle it."

"How about we go to Pop's then?"

"Sounds good."

I grabbed Toni's hand as we walked out of the barn and made our way to my red convertible. Toni pulled the passenger door open, inviting me to get in.

"After you." She said as she gestured for me to get in.

"I'm flattered." I said dramatically as I brought a hand up to my chest.

"Be quiet and just get in."

"Whatever you say, daddy." I smirked as I got in.

"You better be so happy that I have self control, Cheryl." I chuckled a little bit as Toni looked like she was restraining herself.

"I love you to."

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