You don't understand Pt2

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Cheryl was freaking out. She was suppose to be studying for her Bio exam, but it was no use. All her thoughts were on the serpent she had separated with a few hours earlier. The gravity of the situation hitting her the more she thought about it. Toni had been trying to seduce her and then asked her on a date. And Cheryl had agreed . Not only that, she let Toni see her cry. It's like for those few minutes with Toni someone had possessed Cheryl's body. She realized she was playing a dangerous game. The blissful bubble she had been in popped as soon as she walked through the doors of Thistle house.

"What are you smiling about?" Her mother questioned. Cheryl hadn't even seen her sitting in the foyer when she walked in.

"Nothing, mother. Just happy about being done with school for the day," Cheryl answered and wiped the smile off her face. It was careless of her to let her mother see it in the first place.

"How very lazy of you. Oh well, I'd expect nothing less from you. Don't come out of your room tonight. I have a client coming over," Penelope snarked before turning back to drink her wine. Cheryl had walked up the stairs without another word.

That is what led to her spiraling into a panic instead of studying. Her and Toni hadn't even agreed on an exact day for their date and Cheryl was already plotting how to cancel. She needed to go back to ignoring Toni. It would end badly for both of them if Cheryl continued on with this reckless behavior. Before they had parted ways Toni had slipped her a piece of paper with her number on it. At that moment she was thrilled to have that little piece of information. Now, it felt like it was burning her hand as she stared down at it.

With shaky hands she grabbed her iphone off the bed next to her. After reluctantly saving the contact as 'Toni Topaz' she brought up imessage. Without giving herself a chance to talk herself out of it she typed out a text.

This is Cheryl. I can't go on a date with you. I'm sorry, please just leave me alone.

Hitting send felt like someone knocking the wind out of her. She threw her phone to the side. Telling herself that she wouldn't reply to whatever Toni texted back. There was nothing Cheryl wanted more than to drink milkshakes with Toni. To have a normal date with someone who she actually had wanted to spend time with. Any dates she had been on with guys in the past always ended in disappointment. They'd spend the night bragging to her about nonsense and then kiss her with their chapped lips. Toni's lips looked soft. She had seen the girl applying lip gloss in the hallway at school once.

She wanted to kiss Toni.

The thought made her feel nauseous the minute it popped into her head. She needed to get control of herself. Not just for herself, but Toni too. Her mother was capable of hurting both of them if she felt like it. Before she could dwell on it more, Cheryl felt her phone vibrate. She slowly picked it up and unlocked it.

Toni Topaz: If you truly want me to leave you alone then I will. I just don't think that's what you want.

Cheryl made no move to respond to the text. She promised herself she wouldn't. Toni was right, of course she was. That didn't matter, though. What mattered was getting her emotions under control and keeping her mother happy. With those thoughts in her mind Cheryl grabbed her textbook and began studying again.

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