i'm homework

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And again i'm so gonig to hell for this... mom, sorry if u see this

"Babe, can you drive just a little faster please?"

Cheryl tossed a sideways glance at her girlfriend who was sitting in the passenger seat of her car. Toni looked kind of irritated at Cheryl's sluggish driving.

"I'm going the speed limit Toni, I'm not in any mood to receive a ticket and tarnish my pristine driving record."

Toni shot her an incredulous look that the redhead caught from her peripherals.

Cheryl was so full of it!

Toni knew, as well as every other driver in Riverdale, that Cheryl was a speed demon on the road. She always drove at least 15 over the speed limit, choosing to ignore the signs on the road. Unless of course, she spotted a cop nearby, then she would reluctantly slow down until the cruiser was out of sight. When the vehicle would disappear from her rearview mirror she was immediately gunning it. Weaving in and out of cars with the finesse of a NASCAR driver.

"Cheryl, please, we're already 30 minutes late."

The redhead just hummed noncommittally. "My driving isn't why we're 30 minutes late mon cherie." Cheryl let her red lips curl into a knowing smirk and moved her eyes from the road to Toni and watched the pink-haired girl feign an annoyed huff despite the smile that threatened to spill to her cheeks.

Regardless of the fact they were already 30 minutes late, Cheryl seemed determined to increase that number but Toni didn't say anything else. Toni couldn't say anything.

She knew Cheryl was right, her sudden urge to obey the rules of the road wasn't what made them late.


Earlier that morning Toni had awoken from an embarrassingly realistic dream about Cheryl and was covered in a thin layer of sweat and greeted by an ache between her legs.

Even though the dream quickly faded from memory, the throb at her center stuck around.

Toni was about to take matters into her own hands when her phone buzzed somewhere beneath her covers.

She huffed an annoyed sigh and rummaged around under her blanket looking for the bothersome device.

She eventually found it and swiped the screen on. Her irritation promptly faded when she saw the name glowing on the screen.

Bombshell [8:48 am]: Good morning TT! If you have no prior engagements to attend today, would you like to come to Thistlehouse? I thought we could get our homework finished so we can have more time for ourselves this weekend.

A cat-like grin swept across the pink-haired girl's features.


Toni jumped at the opportunity to see Cheryl, albeit, completing homework was not what she had in mind.

Toni hastily checked the time before typing out her response.

TT <3 [8:49 am]: sure! it is cool if i come now?

She quickly shot her another message.

TT <3 [8:49 am]: i'm supposed to be meeting a friend at pop's later this afternoon.

Cheryl's reply came within seconds.

Bombshell [8:50 am]: Which friend?

Toni's eyes rolled automatically, unable to suppress it, but a small smirk played at her lips.

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