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Toni had all of Thistlehouse to herself, Nana Rose was on a spa trip and Cheryl was having a shopping trip with Veronica. She was taking the opportunity to revel in the rare treat of time alone. She loves spending time with Cheryl of course, but sometimes its nice to spend a little time by yourself.

Especially when there's a musicals marathon on the movie channel on the TV. She absolutely loved musicals. A guilty pleasure that she has never told anyone about. Sweet Pea and Fangs would never let her forget it if they realised that the badass Serpent Queen liked nothing more than to have a musicals movie marathon.

She is up on the sofa dancing and singing along to Dancing Queen when she hears a small chuckle coming from the doorway. She freezes on the spot, quickly turning off the TV, and throwing remote in hand still held up to her mouth as a makeshift microphone. "Uhhhh... hey babe."

Cheryl smiles up at her, "Hey baby. Having fun there?" She smirks at her, tasing her eyebrow.

Toni hops off the sofa throwing the remote onto the coffee table, "Yep."

"What were you watching?" She looks at the now blank screen then back to her rather embarrassed looking girlfriend, "Was that ABBA I heard?"

Toni opens and closes her mouth a few times, unsure of what to say at being caught, "Ummm... I was watching a horror movie and then that came on..." She stutters out rubbing her hands together.

Cheryl walks up to her place a finger under her chin to get her to look up, "Really, T.T.? You were dancing on the sofa because of a horror movie?"

"Uh, yes?" Toni asks more than tells.

"Really? So if I turn the TV back on Mamma Mia won't be playing?" She goes to pick up the remote only to be hastily stopped by the serpent grabbing the remote first.

"Yeah, no it's cool we don't need to do that."

"T.T. Come on." She reaches for the remote in Toni's hand. They fall into a wrestling match trying to grab the remote from each other. Toni pulls her hand back, stilling holding the remote, lifting it above her head in an attempt to keep her girlfriend from grabbing it.

Cheryl stops reaching for a second and looks at Toni, "Really T.T.? You're shorter than me that isn't going to work." She smirks at the girl in front of her, whose lip juts out into a pout at being called short.

"I'm not that much shorter than you" Toni mumbles, her hand falling down to her side. Cheryl takes the opportunity to swipe the remote from her hand turning on the TV before she can take it back. Mamma Mia fills the screen, the sound of ABBA filling the room.

"You were watching a musical T.T." Cheryl points to the screen, "My badass Serpent girlfriend likes to dance and sing along to musicals." She starts to laugh.

"Baaabbee." Toni whines. She slumps down onto the sofa putting her head in her hands as the redhead continues to laugh. "I'm gonna lay down and die for like half hour okay?" She sighs dramatically as she throws herself onto the couch covering her eyes with her arm.

"Oh don't be so dramatic T.T." Cheryl moves to sit next to her girlfriend on the sofa pulling the girls arm away from her face. "I think it's sweet that you like to watch musicals."

"It's embarrassing." Toni grumbles out, "You had this badass image of me and now its all ruined cus you saw me singing along and-" She is cut off by soft lips pressing against hers.

"It was seriously adorable T.T." She grins down at her, chuckling at the groan her words pull out of the girl.

Toni sits up against the arm of the sofa, "I'm not adorable, I'm in a gang Cher I can't be adorable." She says with a pout, looking incredibly cute.

Cheryl runs her thumb over Toni's bottom lip, she leans in and steals a quick kiss, "Adorable." She smiles at her as Toni huffs and crosses her arms. "If it helps, I still think you're a bid bad gang member." Toni's lips quirk up slightly at this, "I also happen to think it's rather hot you have this other softer side to you T.T." She leans in close, pecking her lips lightly, hand moving to Toni's thigh.

Toni's smile widens at her girlfriends actions, "Oh yeah?" Cheryl nods against her, lips brushing together. Toni brings her hands up to Cheryls cheeks pulling her in for a deep kiss, brushing her tongue along the redheads bottom lip.

Cheryl pulls back, resting their foreheads together, "Are you going to dance for me again T.T.?" She asks through a smile, pulling back further and gesturing to the TV where the film is still playing. "You know we can watch these together now I know your secret."

Toni rolls her eyes at her, "Never gonna see that again Cher, sorry not sorry." She reaches for the remote turning the TV off and moving to straddle her girlfriend where she is sitting. "We can watch movies later baby." She brings her hands up to Cheryl's hair running them through the silky tresses.

Cheryl's hands come up to Toni's hips securing her in place. "Right now, I have a different kind of dance I'd be more than happy to show you baby. If you want?"

Cheryl grins up at the pink haired girl in her lap, "Oh absolutely T.T."

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