The Fucked List Pt8 (last Pt)

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Cheryl is probably not right in the head. Okay, scratch that, she knows she isn't. But, well, her brush with death left her tainted in a way she'd never given thought to, until now.

That breathless moment, that euphoria of not-quite-there when she was just on the brink of losing consciousness. Well. She liked it.

Not just for the reason she was doing it in the first place.

It was just-

Losing control.

In a beautiful, terrifyingly relieving way. She gave up that last bit of control. To the river, to the oxygen in her lungs - whatever it was, she left her control on the surface of that water.

And, well, losing control is nice.

It's why she enjoys this so much.

Toni, thigh pressed firmly between her own, teeth scraping along her neck. Hands under her shirt, scratching lightly at soft skin. Her kisses desperate, but patient, like Cheryl is an instrument that Toni is mastering.

And, well.

It's that more than anything that gives her the ability to pull away to meet Toni's gaze steadily.

Toni frowns. "What's the matter? Do you want me to stop?"

"I want to try something... daddy," Cheryl purrs and she watches Toni's pupils flare, her eyes darkening.

"Anything, babygirl," Toni breathes.

"I want you to fuck me with the strap on... and choke me."

Toni's jaw drops. She stares at Cheryl for a long moment. "I- are you serious?"

"Deadly," Cheryl leans forward, lips inches from Toni's. "Daddy."

Toni connects their mouths, one of her hands moving out from Cheryl's shirt and sliding up. She gently wraps her fingers around Cheryl's windpipe, putting the slightest bit of pressure.

A wave of heat shoots between Cheryl's thighs, making her grind against Toni's with a whimper. Toni smirks, pulling away with Cheryl's lip between her teeth. She releases it with a smack, and Cheryl's eyes roll to the back of her head when Toni adds more pressure to her neck.

Toni releases her, pulling back until they're no longer flush together. "I'll be back."

She slips away to find the strap on, leaving Cheryl throbbing with want. Toni is taking a suspiciously long amount of time, and, well, Cheryl can't just fucking sit around like this.

She moves her hand between her legs, just to relieve the ache a little. She sighs at the feeling of her fingers finding her clit. She can feel it throbbing under her touch. She makes small circles, a relieved whine slipping from her lips.

"What the hell are you doing?" Toni's voice makes her fingers freeze in place.

"I- you were taking so long, I needed to-" Cheryl sputters, looking at Toni as she stands in the doorway of the bathroom.

From here, her eyes look almost black, and her chest is rising and falling rapidly. Cheryl twitches against her hand, desperate for more friction as Toni strides over. The Serpent pulls Cheryl's hand out from her panties and pins it to the bed, her gaze heated as she looks down at Cheryl.

"Patience is a virtue, babygirl. Now you have to be punished." Her voice is low, and, holy shit, Cheryl literally feels herself quiver. "Hands and knees."

Cheryl complies immediately, feeling Toni slide her panties down her legs. Her shirt is still on, and she can feel sweat clinging to her.

Toni's palm lands on Cheryl's ass, earning a loud moan. Toni spanks her again, and Cheryl's head falls onto her forearms as they cross on the mattress, leaving her ass in the air. Toni keeps going until Cheryl's ass is red, then she grips her cheeks tightly and Cheryl whimpers.

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