My god, TT

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Tonight was the night Cheryl and Toni had been building up to for a while.

Their kisses had becoming more and more heated, their hands starting to roam more freely each time they made out, but things always stopped before anything actually happened.

Tonight though..they'd planned to take things further. Both the girls were on Cheryl's bed in their underwear, Toni straddling Cheryl's lap as their kiss grew more heated by the second.

Cheryl started to kiss down Toni's neco and along her collarbone, before finding that spot behind her ear that drove her wild.

Toni arched her neck back, letting out a breathy sigh. "God... Cher." She took a deep breath, looking back down at her girlfriend. "You sure.." A kiss. "You're.." Another. "Ready for..." One more. "This?" A final kiss to her lips before looking right into her eyes.

"Wouldn't be here if I wasn't" she panted, her breathing a little ragged.

"Fair point" Toni agreed, kissing her girlfriend again. Her hands slid up to hold Cheryl's face closer, deepening the kiss with a little whine, her hips already starting to move against Cheryl's.

Cheryl rocked her hips back into Toni's, feeling a wetness pool in her panties as their kisses intensified. Toni was the most beautiful girl she'd ever seen and made Cheryl feel tbinge she didn't even know existed before Toni.

Toni had never, never felt this way with anyone she'd hooked up with or been with in the past.

She swallowed thickly, a warmth blooming between her thighs as she felt her heartbeat increase, lips never leaving Cheryl's. She reached behind to trail her short nails down her back until they landed on clasp of her bra.

"Cher? Can I...?"

Cheryl nodded eagerly, keen to feel closer to Toni, her own hands trailing down Toni's bare sides.

Toni undid it with a pant, leaning back for a second to pull it down Cheryl's arms.

"You're so beautiful," she murmured, bringing a soft hand up to cup Cheryl's right breast before reattaching her lips to the redhead's. She felt her core grow wetter as Cheryl moaned lightly into her lips.

"I want to see you too" she hummed against Toni's lips, waiting for permission before she would try to remove her bra.

Toni nodded, shaking her head dazedly. "Yeah... right... sorry," she laughed slightly, her eyes focused on Cheryl's body.

Cheryl tugged the straps down, unclasping Toni's bra.

She had spent a long time privately imagining what Toni's breasts would look like but the real thing was so much better than anything she could have ever imagined. "Wow're breathtaking."

Toni smiled breathlessly, moving back down to kiss Cheryl's neck. She took Cheryl's skin between her lips and sucking on it hard. She moved her hips faster against Cheryl's, desperate for friction, and let out a small sound, looking up to her girlfriend.

Cheryl could barely keep her hands off Toni, a thumb teasing one of Toni's nipples, her other hand moving round to cup Toni's ass and pull her closer.

Toni let out a gasping breath, bringing her hand down to rest just above the line of Cheryl's lace underwear, leaning down to press a kiss at the valley between Cheryl's breasts. She took one of her nipples into her mouth and sucked keenly, her other hand massaging the other breast.

Cheryl let out a cry of pleasure, her own hands falling away from Toni's body as she got lost in her own feelings. "So good TT."

Toni smirked proudly. She was going to make Cheryl's first time good. No, not good. Incredible.

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