The Fucked List Pt3

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"Are you sure you want to do this?" Toni asks, pressing a soft kiss to Cheryl's collarbone.

"I told you I wanted to." Cheryl sighs when her girlfriend nips gently at her skin.

"We need a safeword." Toni pulls back, looking down at Cheryl with a fond smile. "Just in case."

"Peaches?" Cheryl suggests.

Toni toys with the handcuffs in her hand. "Cheesy and overdone, but whatever you want, princess."

Cheryl rolls her eyes. "Princess."

"Pillow princess."

"You're an ass."

"I feel like I should take on a Southern accent." Toni smirks. "Yer under arrest for bein' too sexy, ma'am."

"Oh my God, Toni, you're ruining the mood." Cheryl chuckles.

"Sorry. Hands behind your back, bitch."

Cheryl snorts. "I preferred princess." She turns around, letting Toni pull her arms behind her back.

"Relax your shoulders like this," Toni guides her into a more comfortable position. "It'll keep you from getting sore."

"Sounds like you have experience," Cheryl notes, the cool metal on her wrists making her breath hitch. The soft padding will keep her from being in too much pain, not that she really cares either way. She's eager to have her girlfriend stop teasing her.

"I was arrested a few times. Gang, remember?" Toni shrugs, locking the cuffs into place. "Comfortable?"

"Right. Yeah, I'm good." Cheryl pulls at the restraints as she turns back around, testing the resistance. The heat between her thighs increases considerably.

Toni drags her lips along Cheryl's neck, sucking gently at Cheryl's pulsepoint. She trails her nails over the soft skin of Cheryl's thighs, pulling them apart gently. Cheryl lays back against her pillows, Toni climbing on top of her and sucking dark bruises onto pale skin.

"You can be rough," Cheryl murmurs. "You know that."

"Mmhm," Toni hums, taking Cheryl's nipple into her mouth. Her teeth graze over a hardened bud, drawing a soft moan from Cheryl's lips.

"Stop teasing." Cheryl huffs.

"So bossy," Toni chuckles, her hands sliding over Cheryl's smooth curves.

"C'mon, Toni," Cheryl whines when Toni's hands stop just over her hips. "I don't want gentle right now."

Toni grips Cheryl's waist suddenly, earning a gasp from the girl beneath her. "Don't rush me, princess."

Cheryl tugs at the cuffs, heaving an impatient sigh. She's throbbing with want, and she feels the slick wetness that's coating her thighs the more Toni toys with her breasts. "Please." She whimpers.

"Please what?" Toni moves her lips down to Cheryl's stomach.

"Please fuck me." Cheryl whines. "Please, please fuck me."

"Mm, what's my name?"

Cheryl tries not to roll her eyes. "Daddy."

"Who's gonna make you cum, babygirl?" Toni stops just over Cheryl's clit, her hands moving to guide Cheryl's thighs over her shoulders.

"You," Cheryl breathes. "You are daddy."

"That's right," Toni purrs, licking a slow stripe over Cheryl's center. Cheryl gasps, back arching.

Cheryl moans, Toni's tongue running along her entrance and circling her clit achingly slowly. She tugs at the cuffs again, itching to grab her girlfriend's hair and push her where she needs her most. But the resistance makes her moan again, louder, and Toni hums against her.

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