Ass Obsession

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First I wanted to say thank you. I've only been by wp since this year and have this oneshot collection only since July. And we've come this far. Thank you <3
Luv 'yall :3

Aaand this is basically just smut enjoy!

Toni had never been obsessed with anyone or anything, that was before Cheryl Blossom.

The past few months have been surreal after Toni confessed her love to the redhead. It seemed like things were finally getting back to normal in this deranged town, well as normal as they could get for Riverdale.

Cheryl and Toni had been dating for 2 months now, after Cheryl had filed for emancipation from Penelope and moved out of Thistlehouse they spend almost every moment of the day together. Toni couldn't be happier, aside from serpent duties and shifts at the White Wyrm Cheryl and herself were almost inseparable.

Their relationship was progressing comfortably quick, especially the physical side of things. Cheryl had been staying with Toni in her uncles trailer while she is waiting to inherit Clifford's money to buy herself an apartment. Sharing a king single had definitely added a cosy element thing, Toni had offered to sleep on the pull out, but Cheryl instated she stayed with her.

Toni had been patient with Cheryl about doing anything after their stiff discussion about what Penelope had walked in on Cheryl and Heather doing, "nothing more than a hormonal grope fest" as Cheryl describe it. Being fully aware that Cheryl had never been fully intimate with a girl before, Toni was careful not to pressure her into doing anything always letting her initiate.

But as time had moved on Cheryl became more confident and Toni less hesitant. While they were making out against the sinks in the girl's bathroom at school, Toni had discovered one of the greatest wonders of the world... Cheryl Blossoms ass.

Now Toni was well aware of how nice Cheryl's ass was before this moment, but as she moved her hand down from the small of the redheads back to her ass and hearing Cheryl moan as she pulled away from their kiss. Toni knew her underwear would be ruined for the rest of the day. There lustful moment of solitude was interrupted by the ringing of the bell indicating 4th period was over. Cheryl refused to meet her eyes as she fixed her dress into its proper position "See you at Pops after school TT" the redhead whispered as she kissed Toni's cheek while she made her exit not wanting detention for being late to class again.

Later that day Toni had gone with Sweetpea and Fangs to Pops yet to mention that Cheryl would be joining them as they made their way towards their usual booth, where the redhead was awaiting them.

"You've got to be kidding me right" Sweetpea and Fangs groaned when he spotted her
"you two cannot literally not go more than a few hours without seeing each other".

Toni glared at them both "HEY watch it she is my girlfriend, just because you two are destined to be singled for forever doesn't mean you gotta take it out on us" the brunette tried to be as intimidating as she could but broke into smile when the boys scoffed and pushed her towards Cheryl.

The day had passed by surprisingly quick but sitting here now in Pops booth with her squeezing the redhead's inner thigh while sitting across from Sweets and Fangs, it like the world had stopped turning. She tried to keep her attention on the boys talking about how ridiculous Mr Conner's English assessment is, but she couldn't help noticing Cheryl's breath hitching as her hand rose higher and higher.

Later that night after her shift at the White Wyrm she came home to the trailer to find her uncle passes out drunk on the lounge and Cheryl sitting on her bed in nothing but a blood red lace matching set. Toni's mouth went dry and her underwear wet at sight of the redhead.

After she spent the night worshipping the redhead, before Toni could pass out in her post orgasm bliss she whispered half hoping Cheryl wouldn't hear "I can't stop thinking about your ass". This caused the redhead to laugh and just pull her closer.

They talked about it, Cheryl made some confessions of her own and after that night Toni with the redhead's explicit permission worshipped it whenever possible. It started out subtle at school with the brunette slapping Cheryl's ass as they parted to go to class or pulling the redhead onto her lap as they sat in the common room during lunch.

Than things got obsessive, Toni Topaz is obsessed with Cheryl Blossoms ass; during make out sessions Toni would grab at and squeeze the redhead's ass, when cuddling at least one of the brunette's hands were always caressing it. Not to mention the staring.

Cheryl didn't mind of course she had told Toni she was allowed too but the problem was it made her incredibly horny. She wasn't sure why, but it did and the rougher the brunette was the wetter Cheryl became.

This is how Cheryl found herself being bent over the girl's bathroom sink while she was supposed to be in chemistry letting Toni is hike up her skirt. "Baby your so wet for me look at this" Toni's voice is raspy as she rubs her left hand against Cheryl's thong covered pussy, her right hand is squeezing her ass. The redhead let out an uncontrollable moan when the brunette said, "You're such a good girl for me".

"Please TT just make me cum" Cheryl begged as Toni chuckled behind her "do you think you could be quiet enough to be fucked raw in the girl's bathroom? hmmm bombshell"

Cheryl couldn't believe the daddy persona that Toni had taken to right now, but she was to desperate to tease her, just wanting to cum before anyone found them. "Yes yes yes please I'll do anything for you just make me cum pleeeeeaaaassseee".

Toni happily obliged moving the redhead's thong to the side and swiping her fingers through the dripping folds, before entering her with just one finger. Moving in and out slowly. The redhead had to bite into her hand to keep quiet as Toni added a second finger than a third, stretching her deliously.

The brunette moved a thumb to Cheryl's clit rubbing as she fastens her pace. Cheryl liked being fucked rough, Toni tests the water by just giving the redheads ass a playful slap. Cheryl turned her head to look at Toni behind her "harder please" she begged.

Toni hesitates "Cheryl are you sure".

The redhead groans arching her back for Toni to go deeper "Please Toni spank me, make me cum", the brunette makes eye contact with Cheryl through the mirror as she spanks her ass hard and just like that she is cumming. Toni watches as Cheryl's eyes rolled back and her body shaking as she worked through her heavy orgasm.

They decide to skip the rest of the school day and head back to the trailer. Toni's motorcycle vibrating deliciously against her as she drives them back to the trailer park.

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