Wrong Places

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Toni was scribbling all over her notepad while listening to a tune in her ear. The Serpent happily sat in a chaise lounge chair as her redheaded girlfriend was having archery practice. It was early afternoon on a Sunday and the perfect fall day that fell on the warmer side. The skies were clear of any clouds and the sun was radiating delightfully. Those rays only accentuated the crimson locks that were pulled back into a slick ponytail and the porcelain skin that was hidden in leggings and a vixen long sleeve. Dark eyes watched intently as Cheryl notched another arrow on her bow while taking her strong stance to release her arrow.


Cheryl eyed her work and deemed it worthy. She shot a few more before taking a break. Her body started to sweat a bit from constantly straining her upper body to shoot her arrows. This had been the fourth round of shooting. The Vixen plopped herself onto Toni's lap to take a break. She was ready to practice on moving objects next. Luckily she had a machine that shot out clay disks for her to aim at. It didn't need to be today though.

Toni wrapped her arms around Cheryl's waist and pressed a butterfly kiss on exposed ivory skin. It wasn't very often that they had a free weekend to spend together. But it's moments like these that the pink haired goddess and the heiress deeply cherished.

"What are you working on, babe?" Cheryl tried to take a playful peek at Toni's notepad which was pressed against the girl's chest from her sitting across the Serpent's lap.

"Oh, just some lyrics." Toni replied off handedly.

"Am I ever going to hear a snippet of a number created by you, my love?" The redhead wasn't pushing but all she'd ever heard was a couple counts of a track or seen a few lines and even within those few lines counts, it always had her enamored. Cheryl might have an extensive vocabulary but it was the way Toni could write the simplest words and create something beautiful.

"Someday babe. But this ones not quite finished." It had the pink haired girl think though. She'd never played her stuff to anyone but maybe it was about time that she could let Cheryl take a listen. But fear and insecurity always won out then she'd chicken out.

"Well whenever you're ready, I'd be ecstatic to listen to anything you compose." Leaning down, Cheryl pressed her lips onto the gloss covered ones that belonged to her girl, sealing her words like a promise.


After archery practice, they did have homework to be done before they could lounge around the rest of the day together. Toni had finished the day before but faked it so she could finish up the song she was currently producing. Having her laptop in front of her blocking Cheryl from even noticing and having headphones in, Toni had GarageBand and folders filled with lyrics and song clips that she was piecing together.

The Serpent was engrossed with picking what beats to have the crash and hi hat cymbals, chimes, finger snaps, snares, and bass play. It was coming together so smoothly that by the time her girlfriend had finished her homework she'd been able to put together a solid first tune from beginning to end. There were still touch ups and adjustments to be made but she knew this was the one.

She'd been toying with the idea of showcasing a song to Cheryl since she'd mentioned it earlier that afternoon. It only fueled her desire to finish her current project and at the rate her inspiration was pushing her, she'd finish this soon. But when? The next couple weekends they'd be busy with all their commitments but in a few weeks they'd have another free weekend.


It would give Toni a couple weeks to really get her shit together and convince her other half to let her take head on their next free weekend. She didn't know how she was going to pull this off but she knew it was time and this song was the perfect fit for them. Toni hit save and shut down her computer feeling scared but yet excited to take this leap.

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