No more secrets

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"So," Cheryl says mouth in a wide smile as she places two cups of tea on the couch table (Yes, they have something as fancy as a couch table now.) before (gracefully, Toni has literally no idea how she does it) flopping down on the sofa. "Now that we're house owners, what's your first move gonna be?"

"Well, Cheryl," Toni replies as she starts playing with her girlfriend's hands, "If your home is your castle I'd like to turn ours into a place fit for two queens."

They have a couch table, a sofa, a bed. That's about it. (They have a home now, though. A home. And it's entirely theirs.)

"But first, there's an issue more pressing..."

She leans forward, Cheryl reciprocates and soon their lips meet in a sweet kiss.

They kiss in many ways. Heated, chaste, lingering, rushed, head, neck, shoulder, breast, good morning, goodbye. In whatever way they kiss it's almost always enjoyable.

The series of kisses initiated by Toni after moving into their first shared space has a clear purpose. And Cheryl can tell by the way Toni's hands don't remain on her hands what the purpose is. She sighs as Toni kisses down her neck, and bites her lower lip. If the past few weeks are any indication she knows they'll end up all hot and bothered, desperate for breath. Only, now they have their own place. Which means that they don't have to stop at this possibly unpleasant point by any means.

It excites Cheryl to think they might take it further tonight. The farthest they can go, really. At least in Cheryl's limited experience.

Toni helps her with pulling her shirt over her head, leaving her long hair tangled. She doesn't mind terribly. The look in her girlfriend's eyes makes her slip her hands beneath the smaller girl's shirt, up her torso. Toni moans.

Cheryl's excited. She loves drawing those sounds from Toni, knowing that they're reserved for her, and her only. Toni cups her left breast through her bra, and she rewards her with a moan of her own. With Toni Cheryl can be deliciously vulnerable. She loves it.

They continue to kiss and explore for a while. The couch (red, of course) is comfortable enough. Somewhere down the line Toni's shirt comes off. And Cheryl knows where this is leading and...

And then she opens her eyes, but Toni isn't there. Suddenly the sweet touches of her best friend turn into rough gropes, undoubtedly leaving bruises all over the sole Blossom twin's fair skin. She freezes, unable to move. How would she? She's been drugged. Again. Her mother's disappointed face flashes in front of her eyelids as she closes her eyes briefly to escape her roofied reality. Nothing really happened to Cheryl.

Her eyes tear up and she keeps them closed. Maybe, if she just lets it happen, it will be over soon. Maybe after, he'll just go. Nothing is really happening to her, after all.

It goes on for a few split seconds or so – it feels like hours to Cheryl – and then the hands are off. The pressure of this... imbecile's body against hers vanishes. The bed squeaks from him getting up. Her heart is beating so loudly she can hear the drumming sound echoing through her ears, shutting out all other noise. She only hears silence. Silence and her heart. She counts to ten and opens her eyes, hoping he's gone now.

He is.

There's somebody else there, actually.

Toni, dressed only in a bra and jeans, one pigtail partly undone, crouched in front of where Cheryl's lying on the bed, a distressed look on her face.

"Cher?," the smaller girl whispers uncertainly.

Cheryl sits up, letting her gaze wander around the room. It hits her like lightning. It wasn't real.

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