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Sorry i haven't updated in a week I was traveling soo yeah...
I was havin' a lottt of ideas vor this series so yeah. There will now be a lot in a row. I write a lot of shots in my memo to write it when i'm home in here. Yeah this is number one and is a little short but cute. Enjoy <3

"Toni, what are you up to?"

"Babe! why do you always think I'm up to something?"

"First, you suspiciously pull us into the candy aisle, then you start slowly backing up against the candy with your hands behind your back. And don't think I haven't noticed the random bars of chocolate that have appeared in our cart."

Toni put her nose up in the air and smirked while saying, "I have no idea what you're talking about."

Cheryl finally let go of the cart and put her hands on her hips "Antoinette Topaz..." Mockingly, Toni matched her girlfriend, similarly putting her hands on her hips, "Cheryl Marjorie Blossom?"

Cheryl raised her eyebrows then burst out in laughter. "What?? what is it??" Toni said as her cheeks flushed red. "I suspect I may have solved the case of the appearing candy bars." Following Cheryl's eyes, Toni realized that her hands were still stocked full with a wide assortment of candy bars and chocolates.

"FINE! You caught me..." groaned Toni, "we're still getting them though," Toni smirked while tossing the sweets into the cart; she looked up at Cheryl and chuckled saying "hehe, I love you."

Cheryl laughed, rolling her eyes "you're lucky I love you too ma chérie, come on now, we have groceries to buy, and a dinner to prepare." As Cheryl began moving she suddenly halted, and turned around to face Toni, "and this is the last time we overindulge and fuel our sugar addiction."

Nodding, Toni agreed wholeheartedly, knowing Cheryl said this every single time they went to the store.

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