Teasing Me In My Clothes? Hot.

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The worst day of the week. Toni always dreads it but Sunday threatened the impending doom filled for the next day: Monday. Fucking Monday.

The few good things about the weekend before this dreaded day was the sleepover with Cheryl. The redhead had slept over at Toni's trailer and actually enjoyed the Southside for once. Her opinion on South Riverdale was only being loosely used in the more recent weeks. Since meeting Toni and befriending Fangs and Sweet Pea, she's lightened up on the negative reputation. She knows what it's like to have that.

Toni's daydreams consisted of Cheryl. Whatever was going on in her chemistry class had long been forgotten as she leaned her head against her hand and gazed at the whiteboard, not reading a single word. She used to think it was ridiculous to think this much about a person, or the resident 'It' girl for that matter, but after some time she just succumbs to it. Why stop a seemingly impossible force?

Then the bell finally fucking rang. Toni swiped the table of her books and caught them perfectly in her bag. She slung it over her shoulder and walked out the door, perfectly meshing with the other exhausted students. Then all of a sudden the teenagers spread down the middle like Moses had parted them himself.

She knew exactly what it was too.

Her girlfriend. And she was coming right for her.

Cheryl wasn't in her typical color though. She was wearing black. And it was wrinkled. When have her clothes ever looked less than extravagant?

"Hey, babe," she smiled as she stopped in front of the Serpent.

"Is that my shirt?" Toni tilted her head and smiled.

Cheryl bit her lip like she was guilty. "I may or may not have stolen it when I slept over."

At this, Toni raised her eyebrows.

"Don't be mad." Cheryl tried to defend herself but then Toni cracked a smile.

"I'm not. Looks good on you. Like," Toni tugged on the hem of the shirt, "really good."

"Well, well, it is refreshing to see you still think I'm hot."

"Baby, you know I think you're hot. I've just never seen you in any of my clothes before. And, trust me, I love the red you wear every day but this is different." Toni's eyes checked out every inch of her body which Cheryl undoubtedly noticed.

"Good different?" She quirked a perfect red brow.


Cheryl smiled and leaned down to kiss her girlfriend. After pulling away, Toni licked her lips with a confused expression.

"Taste good?" The Blossom asked. Toni nodded. "I infused a dash of my family's maple syrup into my lipstick so it's sweet. Try getting that off your tongue."

Toni's teeth sunk into her lower lip as they stared at each other for a moment more until Veronica and Betty interrupted them.

"You two coming to lunch?" Betty began with a cheerful smile.

"We'll be there in a few. I still have to go to my locker."

"We'll save you guys a seat." Veronica smiled as the two girls walked off towards the student lounge.

Cheryl began walking away but Toni grabbed her by the belt loops and pulled her closer. "Actually, I was hoping we could eat somewhere else for lunch."

They were pressed together in the middle of the hallway.

Cheryl cleared her throat. "Where do you suggest we eat then?"

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