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Cheryl Blossom isn't afraid to admit she was terrified when Toni told her she was pregnant; of course they had planned it, but she still had that moment of pure panic when her wife excitedly showed her the positive pregnancy test.

"I'm pregnant."

The words were like a splash of water being thrown in her face, like someone had flipped on a switch and all the lights spilled in. Because Cheryl has spent these last years in limbo with Toni, a blissful limbo of just them taking on life together. But then? Then they decided to shake things up, and all of that shaking finally lead to the explosion of Toni's pregnancy. Cheryl remembers crying, remembers hugging Toni, and then fucking her against a wall to celebrate. After that, she held her wife and kissed her stomach while making a thousand promises.

After that, it became a waiting game. Each month drug up a new emotion for her. The first and second she tried to act nonchalant, tried to pretend like her breath didn't catch when she saw Toni's tiny bump. For the third and fourth month, a protective instinct took over and she snapped at anyone who so much as looked too long at her wife. Let's just say that Jughead won't soon forget the words she had spat at him after he had playfully pushed Toni. And when the months wore down and Toni's due date grew closer, all of her emotions clumped together and the panic set in. And to make matters more difficult, there came the appointment when she discovered her wife was carrying just one human life but rather two. Because of course she was.

"The babies are coming."

Four of the scariest words she has ever head, that she will ever hear. Toni's cries and the way she had begged Cheryl to make the pain go away is something that will haunt her forever. She'll never forget how hard Toni squeezed her hand or how the doctor had begged her to push, push, push until Toni was sweating and her eyes were filled with agony. And then a soft cry broke that agonizing spell and another one followed two minutes later.

It isn't till Nathaniel and Francesca are brought into the world that she releases the breath she had been holding for those nine long months. It isn't till she is looking into her son and daughter's dazed expressions that the panic dwindles away and is replaced with a love that is something almost unknown; it's different from what she feels for her wife, but it runs just as deep. As she holds her little creations, she realizes that being afraid was pointless. In that little hospital room, she shares a kiss with Toni and focuses on the bundles that are her entire future.


Her babies are perfect.

They aren't cranky like Polly's twins. They don't brood like Veronica and Archie's daughter. They aren't dramatic like Reggie and Josie's son. They don't have a flare of rebellion in their eyes like Sweet Pea and Valerie's daughter. They aren't hiding behind a cunning smirk like Fangs and Kevin's spawn. And they certainly aren't as loud as Jughead and Betty's teething brat. No, they reach each milestone with flawless effort and each day they look more and more like Toni. Yet Cheryl has one problem, and that problem is Frankie. For the first three months, Frankie would sob uncontrollably if anyone other than Toni or Sweet Pea touched her; it was heartbreaking for Cheryl at first, but she pushed away the sadness in an effort to remember that Nathan still needed her.

It isn't until Frankie finally reaches her fourth month that she finally seems to settle and allows others to hold her. Although she does have a knack for attempting to jab out Betty's bright blue eyes, that makes Cheryl all too happy each time she sees it. Cheryl figures that her small change meant that things would become normal, that Frankie will somehow attach herself to her, but she doesn't. Her daughter remains cool and calm, and Cheryl only sees her eyes sparkle with interest whenever Toni walks into the room.

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