Together, But Also Not

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One thing Cheryl was completely sure of: her girlfriend was the sexiest person on the entire planet

Cheryl loved living with Toni. She loved waking up cuddled into the shorter girls chest. She loved feeling her cold feet in the morning, most often shivering violently because Toni was a complete and total blanket hog. She loved the scent of Toni's shampoo and the way that she looked in Cheryl's oversized sweatshirts. She loved waking up to Toni dancing around the kitchen in her underwear whilst making the worlds most amazing chocolate chip pancakes.

She loved living with Toni

But it also brought challenges. Not "it was your turn to load the dishwasher" or "Jesus Christ my girlfriend is such a fucking slob" challenges. The biggest challenge of living with Toni is the sheer amount of sexual frustration that she feels about pretty much every time she's in her girlfriends presence. Toni was hot, Toni was the sexiest person on the entire planet; Cheryl was sure of it.

Kissing Toni is amazing. A truly otherworldly experience. Toni is soft and gentle, always asking permission, always checking to make sure she's okay. And when Toni kisses, it's with her entire body. Cheryl's face cradeled in her hand, finger running gently up her ribcage, through her bright red hair. Lips on her neck. On her collarbone. On the hollow of her breasts.

It's invigorating.

And also frustrating as hell because her girlfriend is the most respectful person on the planet. And they'd talked about living together after Cheryl had officially gained full control of Thistlehouse. And they'd made sure to set rules and boundaries. They both weren't ready to have sex yet. Didn't think it was the right time. Because of Penelope Blossom induced trauma and way too old and restrictive nuns poking and prodding her with needles and failed conversion therapy attempts.

They both had a lot to work through. A lot to learn about one another. And Cheryl wanted to learn more about Toni, wanted to know everything about the other girl. But Cheryl also desperately wanted to get off. Because as much as she loves having Toni around, they've been more or less attatched at the hip for weeks( hell for months) now. Which really didn't leave a lot of "alone time" for either one of them.And how exactly do you ask your new live in girlfriend for time alone?

Was there some sort of guide to this?

Could she really just say "Hey sweetie, I think you're awesome and really do enjoy spending time with you, but I really just need like a half hour to work myself into a really amazing, mind-blowing orgasm."

Absolutely not.

No way in hell.

So really Cheryl shouldn't be surprised when her body takes matters into her own hands. Of course it does, because as all other evidence would show; Cheryl has all the self control of pre schooler when it comes to her girlfriend. Which of course leads her to this very moment. She wakes urgently, aware of hard her throat is beating in her chest, sweat cooling on the silk of her night gown. She disorientated, everything's dark and foggy, which is why she doesn't notice at first that her hand is shoved all the way down the front of her underwear, on her stomach with her hand literally trapped between her legs. She also doesn't notice her girlfriend, staring at her with the most intense look she's ever seen.Reality sets in and her face flushes violently, she rips her hand out of her underwear and turns unto her back. Burrowing her face in her arms.

Jesus Christ this is so enbarrassing

"I'm sorry- I didn't mean to- It's just..."And she trails off again because what the fuck is she supposed to say in a situation like this?"Must have been some dream." Toni says with a smirk, her voice dripping with seduction. "You could tell me about it. If you want, I mean"And of course she wants, she wants so fucking bad. But it feels like she can barely speak and the throbbing between her legs is so intense and her heart feels like it's going to burst out of her chest and-"It's okay. You don't have to. It just seemed like you were pretty close to you know...finishing earlier; I could help you out. Talk you through it if you want."

She stares at her girlfriend incredulously."Why are you being so normal about this?"And Toni grins that lopsided, adorable grin of hers when she says "It is normal Cher, you shouldn't beat yourself up for having a sex drive like literally ninety five percent of all teenage Americans." And she says it so teasingly and lovingly that Cheryl can't help but relax. "It's-I was- I dreamt about you."She feels blunt nails scratch against her abs, shuttering violently at the sensation."Mhmm... what about me?" Cheryl pauses, trying to catch her breath. She rolls on her side to face her girlfriend, legs tangling together instantly. "Your... Your mouth and you-your hands. You were kissing me and I was just kind of like... y'know grinding into your thigh"
"Yeah what else?"

She feels blunt nails scratch against her abs, shuttering violently at the sensation.And Toni's looking her straight in the eye, bottom lip pulled between her teeth. She blushes furiously, but carries on regardless."I was really- I was wet. Dripping all over your thigh, you teased me about it. I was so close I didn't even bother caring."What Cheryl's not prepared for, what she really doesn't see coming are the words that come whispered, unbidden from her girlfriends mouth. "I think about you too. I think about the way you sound when you moan...your lips on my neck. Working me up slowly until I can't take it anymore.""Oh yeah?" Cheryl breathes out. "Mmm...I think about making you cum, about hearing you cum. Feeling you cum against my fingertips, my mouth, my thigh."

"What else?" Cheryl's voice is virtually unrecognizable, all desperate and airy.She can't control they way her heart is pounding in her chest. Or the sweat dripping from her temples, nor the intense, endless throbbing between her legs."Touch yourself. I know you want to."Cheryl's hand slips beneath her waistband without a second thought. Her whole body twitches as she finds her clit. Rubbing frantic circles, hips bucking forward on command. A moan tears out of her mouth. Toni whimpers and Toni sighs, she pulls Cheryl into her in a desperate sloppy kiss. It isn't until their hips are almost flush against each other that she realizes that Toni has one hand down her own sweatpants, and her face is screwed up in the most deliciously agonizing way, her jaw hanging slack in her immense pleasure. Toni groans into her mouth. "Imagine it's my hand... that I'm stroking you. Tha-that I'm inside you right-mhmmm. Fuck. Right now."

Toni groans into her mouth. "Imagine it's my hand... that I'm stroking you. Tha-that I'm inside you right-mhmmm. Fuck. Right now." And Cheryl tenses and Cheryl holds back. Because she's so fucking close, her eyes watering from the intensity of it."You're s-so wet and you're so close and you wanna cum so bad" Toni all but fucking whimpers into herAnd Cheryl clenches around her own fingers. Her hips canting sloppily into her hand, moaning as the palm of her hand hits her clit."I-I don't... I want- together"And Cheryl's so out of breath and so frantic she can barely string a sentence together. Toni understands regardless, speeding up her own thrusting. Cheryl tries to slow down, to wait; but she honestly can't take one more second of this, clenching desperately against her own fingers, her clit pulsating violently, her whole body shuddering with the effort of holding back her release.

"Ar-are you... I'm s-so. Ahhh...I'm gon-gonna-Toni pulls back cupping her jaw"Me t-too. Let go baby."Her orgasm hits her full force, her whole body falling into her girlfriends arms, she twitches and she shakes, rubbing at her walls working herself down. Toni's hand are gripping(almost painfully) into her hair as she rides out her own release. They lie there for what feels like an eternity, wrapped in each other's arms.Toni pulls back to brush the hair from Cheryl's eyes; lightly massaging her sweat soaked scalp. "Good? " she asks lightly."You honestly have no idea how much I needed that." Cheryl says, relief coating her voice.

"Well one could only assume from the way you were moaning my name in your sleep earlier." "Asshole. Don't be so smug." "I'm not smug, I'm merely stating facts, even in your sleep I completely rock your world." Toni grins up at her. "I hate you" "No you dont."
"No I don't."

That night Cheryl gets the most sleep she's gotten in months.

Omg this shit was so embarrassing to write for me idk 💀😂

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