Its Been A While

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heyy i'm baaack :) so this is basically What I think should happen to choni after the timejump💀💀 hehehe

"You're playing a very dangerous game, Topaz"

"Oh, am I?" Toni walked to the desk and placed both hands on top of it. "And how dangerous is it, exactly?"

"You don't want to know" Cheryl whispered as she leaned towards her ex-girlfriend.

"What if I do want to know?" Toni whispered back.

They both stayed silent, looking deep into each other eyes until the door opened, making both of them jump.

"Oh, sorry Toni, I didn't know you had a visitor" Archie said, scratching his neck. "Hey Cheryl"

"Whatever!" Cheryl got up and walked to the door "I was leaving anyway"

Toni watched her without a word.

"I'll see you later TT" the redhead winked before exiting.

"So what was that about?" Archie inquired.

"Oh, nothing important. She accused me of stealing her Vixens." Toni said as she walked around the desk to sit on her chair.

"Well, you kind of did" Archie tried, not knowing what kind of reaction he would get out of Toni.

"Oh, I know I did" the pinkette smirked and Archie scrunched his brows before opening his mouth to talk but Toni beat him to it. "So, what did you want?"

"I just wanted to let you know that Veronica has accepted to lend me the money I needed for the team" he smiled.

"Okay, great! Go ahead and do your thing then, I don't think you need me anymore"

"Um, yeah, no, thanks Toni" he waved and left the office.

Toni sighed and leaned back into her chair, thinking about her encounter with Cheryl. Maybe her crazy plan would work after all.

Xx --- xXx --- xX

The next day, Toni was getting everything ready for the first Vixen practice of the year when Cheryl walked into the gym wearing red leggings and a red and white shirt, much like her old Vixen shirt but more 'Cheryl-like'.

"Hi, Toni!" the redhead smiled as she approached the other girl.

"Cheryl" Toni nodded her head. "What can I help you with?"

"You could help me with many things actually" Cheryl said, looking her up and down while biting her bottom lip in appreciation.

By the time Toni thought of a comeback, they were surrounded by the whole squad.

"Well" Toni cleared her throat "I'll see you later then" she said to Cheryl.

"Actually no, I want to challenge you to a dance-off" she raised a brow.

"And why on Earth would I accept it?" Toni challenged back.

"Because as the last deserving HBIC, I deserve to lead this squad" she stated "And also because you owe it to me, as your school wouldn't even be open if it wasn't for the money I gave you."

"Alright, whatever" Toni rolled her eyes and bit back a smile "But I'm allowed to choose someone to take my place as I can't really dance" she pointed to her belly.

"Go ahead"

Even though Toni did know most of the girls, she had never seen them dance.

"Is there any volunteer?" she inquired and only one of the girls raised her hand. Toni recognized her. Her name was Hannah and she was known for being one of the best Riverdale High's students.

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