You don't understand Pt5

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The next morning Cheryl woke up feeling excited for the day ahead. Even though her alarm was blaring loudly through the room. She happily reached over to turn it off. Instead of getting up immediately she laid still thinking about the night before. Toni had made her cum and Cheryl had let it happen. Well, Toni had told her to be vulnerable after all. Despite the fact that the beginning of the night had been so raunchy. Toni had stayed afterwards and Cheryl was surprised at how soft she was. She didn't move away from Cheryl as they talked. Even after they did those things, Toni still wanted to hold her hand and play with her hair. She didn't try to leave and seemed to want to spend time with Cheryl.

Happily, Cheryl stood up to prepare for the day ahead. It didn't matter to her that she was sleepy from being up until midnight. Briefly, she wondered what time her mom had gotten home. The woman was probably dying to ask her if Nick had been over. Cheryl already planned to lie to her and say he had returned to New York. Which was probably half true. The boy most likely fled Riverdale after the beating he got from Sweet Pea and Fangs.

Once Cheryl put the finishing touches on her makeup she made her way through the hall. There was no sign of her mother and the house seemed unnaturally quiet. The redhead had made it all the way to her car without seeing any sign of the woman. With one last suspicious look at Thistle House she was off to school. It was beginning to drizzle out. The little droplets hitting her windshield in quick burst. She rolled her eyes,  knowing her hair that she worked hard on would get ruined. Once reaching the school she walked as fast as she could into the building. Cheryl Blossom didn't run. Her hair only suffered minimal damage thankfully. When she reached her locker Toni was already standing there.

"Are you stalking me or something?" Cheryl jokingly accused in her HBIC voice. The shorter girl had her Serpent jacket on today. It was starting to become her favorite thing Toni wore.

"Of course, I am. It's part of my gang affiliation." Toni gestured to the leather jacket. "So did your mom give you the third degree this morning?" She said it in a casual way but Cheryl knew she was concerned. If they got caught it could turn into a potentially dangerous situation for Cheryl.

"No, I didn't even see her this morning. It was...strange," Cheryl explained, shrugging her shoulders. Maybe she was overthinking the situation. Her mother would probably be sitting in the foyer when she got home from school. "It's most likely nothing to worry about, though." Cheryl finished. She didn't know if she was trying to convince Toni or herself.

"There's a mandatory Serpents meeting today after school. But if anything weird happens, please text me." Toni pleaded, knowing how Cheryl tried to handle everything alone. The bell rang, signaling the end of their conversation. "I'm serious, Bombshell." She added as she started backing away.

"Okay, I promise I'll keep you updated. Now go to class before Mr. Bennet gives you another detention." Toni smiled at her before turning to continue down the hall. It felt good knowing the other girl had her back.

The rest of the day went by in a blur. During lunch she had been pulled aside by Veronica. The girl apologized for what happened the night of Archie's party. Cheryl explained that she didn't blame her in the slightest and that it was in the past. The conversation soon turned to Toni. Veronica couldn't help but ask what was going on between them. Before she could answer the others began showing up to the table. The blush on her cheeks was enough information for Veronica, though.

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