All night

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There were a few things Toni planned for that Friday evening. A trailer to herself, shitty uncle free? Check. A joint and maybe a beer or two? Check. A very intoxicated, very unfiltered Northside redhead sexting her out of nowhere? Definitely not on that list.

No, Toni had no idea how things would end up the way they did, nothing could have prepared her for the text that would interrupted her evening plans, all though not entirely unwanted, however certainly unexpected.

UNKNOWN NUMBER: You are. Infuriatingly sexy. And I entirely loathe you for it.

Toni coughed on her drag, eyebrows curled in confusion. Who the fuck was texting her this late, and from an unknown number at that. Toni swore if this was some kind of prank from Sweetpea or Fangs she was going to personally ensure their destruction.

Toni: um. not that i don't appreciate unsolicited compliments, but who the fuck is this?!

Toni waited impatiently, curious to figure out who this mysterious texter was. It didn't take long for the response to come.


Opening the picture, Toni was almost convinced she was more high than previously thought. Looking back at her from the screen was none other than Cheryl fucking Blossom, her eyes looking down and droopy, clad in only a silk robe. It was clear that the girl had the same idea as Toni for the evening, because she was obviously far from sober. Toni's stomach clenched at the sight of the redhead's cleavage poking out of the robe, if Toni didn't know better, she would have guessed that Cheryl had purposely exposed herself for the photo. But no, last she checked, the girl hated Toni's guts. Southside scum and all.

Toni: cheryl?! how did you get my number????

It took less than a second for the three typing dots to appear on her screen, followed by a response.

Cheryl: It doesn't!!! Matter.

Cheryl: Send me, a pic ture of yourself ?

Toni gawked at her phone. Was this a dream? Was Cheryl Blossom, HBIC of Riverdale High, heiress of Blossom Industries, willingly texting her?? And wanting to see her?

Cheryl: NOW!!!!

Toni laughed at the demanding nature of the text. If she had any doubts that this wasn't a prank, they were certainly gone now. No one but Cheryl Blossom would be demanding a photo from a near-stranger she had spent the majority of her time knowing making sure she was aware that she wanted her gone.

Toni: someone's impatient. give me a sec, princess.

Toni looked down at her clothes, she was wearing a red plaid flannel and leggings, her usual go-to outfit. It would have to do. Heart pounding, she reached up to unbutton the first few top buttons, reaching a hand up and tousling her hair. She took a few selfies, picking out the best one before sending it to the other girl. She looked good, despite being caught off guard.

Toni: happy?

The response came faster than expected.

Cheryl: Yes.

Cheryl: God.

Cheryl: You're so fuc kin g . Infuriatin gly hot.

Toni smirked, shaking her head. Her high was creeping up on her, and she suddenly felt more bold.

Toni: so you've mentioned. you're not too bad to look at either, red.

Cheryl: You make me!!!! So fucking .mad. You know that?? So. Fucking. mad?????

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