We don't have much time

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Imma go to hell for this but here we go. I like this ALOT😭😂

"Ten bucks says I bang the redheaded bitch before either of you can," Sweet Pea says under his breath as a tall, lean ginger in dark thigh-highs walks by.

Fangs laughs. "You overestimate your abilities, man."

Toni groans. "First of all you know it's not a fair bet, literally every girl at this damn school is straight as a ruler, and for what?" She slams her locker shut. "I'll never understand."

Sweet Pea grins. "What's the problem, Tiny? Don't think you could do it?"

She rolls her eyes. "I'm not gonna force myself on a straight girl, you sicko. Although...who's to say she's straight."

Fangs nods. "Good point. So I guess it's on."

Sweet Pea's eyes widen. "Look, she's coming back again," he says in a hushed voice before slinking over to greet her while Fangs and Toni wait, Toni crossing her arms.

They watch as Sweet Pea makes a fool out of himself, wiping drool with the back of his hand and cursing as Cheryl's eyebrows knit. "So, uh, Cheryl, is it?" He says with a goofy smile.

Cheryl looks unimpressed. "Continue."

"Well, I was just, uh, wondering if you wanted to go to the Wyrm with me sometime?" He says, leaning against a locker and trying to act casual.

She looks confused. "And why, pray tell, would I want to go with a guy to the Whyte Wyrm?"

He reddens. "The diner then? Pops, at 7?"

She crosses her arms, looking amused. "What is your name?"

"Sweet Pea," he says, standing taller.

"Sweet Pea," she echoes humorously. "Well, Sweet Pea," she says, putting a hand on his shoulder. "I'm sorry that none of your slithering comrades informed you of the fact that I prefer the fairer sex. It would've saved us both a great deal of trouble, I presume." She taps his shoulder twice before giving him a small smile of pity and turning back to her open locker.

Fangs and Toni's fly to their mouths in shock, snickering at their friend from across the hall. He slumps over to them. "Guess it's your turn now," he says to Toni. "You happy?"

Toni stifles a laugh. "Sorry, Pea, but that was hilarious." She sighs, eye-fucking the redhead. "Damn, those legs. I haven't wanted to spread anything that badly since the first time I ate Nutella. I—wait look look look she's coming back, she's coming back." Toni fixes her flannel lower and tries to add to her 5'2" height. Right as Cheryl walks by, she whistles just loud enough to be heard by the girl and calls out. Cheryl stops dead in her tracks and Toni goes on in the most sultry voice possible, "Look any hotter and I'll have to pull the fire alarm."

The girl rolls her eyes. "Dear God. Can we get this torture over with?"

Toni smirks. "Sure thing, babe."

"Don't 'babe' me, you vulture." Cheryl tries to get past the girl but Toni puts an arm out to stop her.

Cheryl's breath hitches. Then her face falls slack. "What makes you think that you objectifying women is more okay than when the male dipshits at this school do it?"

Toni purses her lips. "Cool it, bombshell. All I did was call you hot."

"You and your Southside snakes need to—"

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