Chapter 1

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No ones POV

"And here we are, back in hell." Sunghoon said as he put his stuff in his locker.

"Come on hyung it isn't that bad." Sunoo said as he and Jungwon walked up to Sunghoon.

Summer break had just ended and the schools started again. And Sunghoon was already done with school. it wasn't that he was really bad in school or anything, but also not really good either.

It was the fact that there was just so much work to do. And just not enough time.

Lucky for Sunghoon he had 2 amazing bestfriends who would make sure he'd still attend school. And drag his ass out of bed if he wouldn't come by himself.

The three of them had been bestfriends since birth. Because their parents were great friends as well.

" Sunoo hyung is right. I even heard we are getting new students in our class." Jungwon stated. He was the class president so ofcourse he knew these things.

" yeah I heard that too, also there is a rumor going around that they're very handsome." Said the oldest out of the three of them as he closed his locker.

" You see this year is gonna be great, maybe you'll even get a boyfriend." Said Jungwon as he nudged Sunghoon.

"Aishh stop that let's just get to class." He said as he gave Jungwon a little push.

"You see that Jungwon, Hyung is really eager to meet his new boyfriend." Sunoo said as he teamed up with Jungwon

" I hate you both!" Sunghoon said as he walked away to his class.

"We love you too Hyung!" Both Sunoo and Jungwon replied as they giggled at their hyungs reaction.

After they were done laughing they also followed their hyung to their class and they went to their seats as their homeroom teacher was about to announce something.

"Okay everybody be quiet please I have to announce something." Mrs. Kim said and ofcourse the whole class quiet down. Because they all knew what the teacher was about to announce.

"Okay so as all of you may have heard we're having 4 new students from to day. I'm gonna tell them to come in now and I want all of you guys to behave. understand?"We all nodded.

"You may come in now boys. And introduce yourselves" And as the teacher said that 4 handsome boys walked in.

"Hello my name is Shim Jaeyun but you guys can call me Jake." The boy with puppy like features said.

" Hello guys my name is Ni-ki." A tall boy said as he smiled.

"I'm Lee Heeseung. And I hope you guys will take care of us." The boy with red hair said.

"Jay." The last boy said with and blank face.

"O-Ohw wel nice meeting you guys. You can sit on any of the empty seats you want." She gestured to the empty seats as all 4 of the boys sat down on the chairs.

"Ow and before I forget, Jungwon as the class president would you like to show the boys around the school?"

"Ofcourse I will Mrs. Kim." Jungwon said with a smile.

Jungwon's POV

I turned around in my seat to face two of the new students.

" Hi, I'm Yang Jungwon. And I'm the class president."I said with a smile and my famous dimples.

" Hi Jungwon. I'm Heeseung but i'm pretty sure you know that already." The boy said with a smile back.

But as I looked to Heeseungs right I saw that Jay was staring at me with a death glare that made me shiver a bit.

I guess Heeseung noticed me because he put his hand on my shoulder.

"hey don't mind him he is always like that but believe me he's actually a nice guy."

"Ahh o-okay." I said as I turned around again to listen to

Sunghoon's POV

When the 4 boys walked in I had to admit that they were indeed very handsome. Especially the one that had puppy like features. I didn't notice I was spacing out while staring at him till someone waved their hand infront of my face.

As I looked at the person I inmediately became embaressed. Because it was the cute boy I was just staring at.

"H-h-hi." OMG Sunghoon seriously stuttering?!

"Hey I noticed you were spaced out. I'm jake by the way." The boy said as he smiled at me.

"I'm Sunghoon." I said with a smile back

After our kinda awkward introducting we started talking a lot. And not only has he a cute and handsome face he also has a great personality.

Then the bell rung indicating that class was over.

" Hey do you maybe u-uhh want t-to sit at lunch with me and my friends?"I asked as I scratched the back of my neck.

"Sure I'd like to. Can my friends join too?"

"Sure, the more the merrier right?"

"Yess, well see you later then cutie." Jake said as he stood up to leave and winked at me.

W-wait what did he just wink at me?!

Sunoo's POV

As the 4 boys walked in I could hear everyone gossiping about how handsome the boys were. That's the only thing people talk about these days.

Seeing that I didn't want to join the gossips I decided to draw a little bit. I really liked drawing. especially if I wanted to just close myself off from everybody.

I heard the boys introducing them selves. And then the teacher telling them to go sit on empty seats. But I was to busy drawing that I didn't notice someone sat down on the seat next to me.

I could feel someones eyes on me the whole time and it way really annoying me. So I looked up and saw that it was one of the new guys. I didn't really catch on his name though.

I would have expected that we would look away as soon as I looked back at him but he didn't .

"what are you looking at?"I said to the boy with an annoyed face.

"You. you look cute." He said with a smirk.

" Well you don't so please go look some where else." I Said as I went back to my drawing.

I could still feel his eyes looking me up and down but no matter what I did he never stopped looking at me. How annoying!

As the bell rung indicating that class was over I quickly grabbed my stuff and left for my next class. Because I could already see that boy reading to walk up to me and I wasn't having it.


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