Chapter 18

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No one's POV

After all the boys had unpacked their stuff they decided to look around at the campingside.

"So which side should we go?" Jungwon asked as he looked on the map he got from Mrs.Kim

"How about we go that way? Then we'll see the sportsfield, the swimmingpool and basically everything around." Jay suggested.

"Sure sounds like a plan let's go." Sunoo replied as he started walking.

Jay and Heeseung walked up front with Jungwon right behind them. A few meters after them were the other four gossiping about them.

Jake's POV
"Do you guys think something is going on with Jay hyung and Jungwon?" Sunoo asked me and Sunghoon.

"Jay and Jungwon? I thought Heeseung and Jungwon." Hoon replied kind of confused.

" Well as far as I know, I thought that back in the day Heeseung Hyung and jay had something going on." I said shrugging.

" Well what happened then? Did they not work out together?" Sunoo eagerly asked me as he started to walk next to me.

"U-Uhh well after the thing happened with our parents Jay started, How do you say it? He started to close himself of. His whole personality changed. He became more irritated and blunt." I explained.

"So he might not hate Won. That's just his personality?" Hoon asked and I nodded.

"So he also became like that to Hyung so that's probably why they didn't work out." Ni-ki continued.

"But I heard from Hyung that Jay Hyung smiled at Wonnie in the bus. Maybe he'll start to open up with Wonnie and Hyung?" Sunoo suggested.

"Yeah Jungwon has that kind of effect." Sunghoon agreed with the younger.

I can sense something different about Jay the moment he met Jungwon. So I hope you're right Sunoo I really:

"So where do we wanna go next?" Jay asked unbothered. As we stopped walking around.

"How about we go into the woods? Seeing that it's spring right now I'm sure it's beautiful there." Sunoo suggested exited.

"Not to ruin it, but we have to go back it's almost time." Hyung said as he checked his watch.

"Ahwwe but I wanted to go into the woods today. I'm sure they're very pretty." Jungwon sulked.

"Don't worry Won I'm sure we can go later after the meeting or maybe tomorrow." Sunghoon replied as he patted the boys back.

As I looked at the other three I immediately knew what they're thinking.
We can't go deep in the woods. We know what's going on in there and definitely don't want them to know too. Nobody can now.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Back at their cabin
No one's POV

"Okay everyone. Ready to go?" The eldest asked as they were already late to the meeting time Mrs.Kim told them.

"Yeah yeah, we're ready let's go." Jay said as he walked out of their shared room.

After that the others followed and they walked to the place.

"Ahh there you guys are sit down. We were worried you guys got lost." Mrs.Kim said as the boys walked in.

"Now that we are all here. Let's talk about the schedule for the upcoming 2days.
Today we'll have dinner here at 6 and and a game night at 8." Mr.Choi explained.

"What kind of game night is it gonna be?" Our classmate Jisung asked.

"We're gonna have an old fashioned game night which means we'll play games like Bingo and a big Quiz with a price." He replied.

"Tomorrow we'll have breakfast at 9. After that we'll do some sports at the sportsfield till 11. Then you'll have free time to shower and get freshened up till 1 and then you can choose between a few activities that we'll tell you tomorrow. Then after that dinner again at 6.
The last day we'll leave here at 10 to go to the shopping centre in Daegu. You'll get to do your own thing as long as you guys are back at 8. Then when we get back here we'll have a campfire. And then next morning we'll leave at 8 to go back home. Any questions." Mr.Choi finished.

"Not that I mind but why do we have so much free time? Aren't trips like this always boring with stupid activities?" Woonggi asked the teacher.

"You're right on that one Woonggi. And originally this trip was supposed to be like this if it wasn't for us." Mr. Byun said

"But we knew you guys wouldn't like that soo we decided to skip some boring teambuilding activities."
Mrs.Park continued.

"So go on and do absolutely nothing with your day before we change our minds." Mr.Byun said.

And all the students quickly left the room to do as Mr.Byun said absolutely nothing.

~~~~~~~~~~~~ At the cabin

Sunghoon's POV

As all of us reached te cabin we all decided to do different things. Some of us decided to take as shower or put on some comfortable clothes while some of us did absolutely nothing.

" I never knew teachers these days were this chill." Ni-Ki said as he sat next to me on the couch.

"What do you mean these days?"

" U-uh I mean on our last school they weren't like this." He quickly answered.

He looks nervous when I asked him the question? It's just a normal question right? Ah Sunghoon ah don't worry it's probably nothing. You probably just caught him off guard.

" Well, we're also very lucky these teachers are with us. If Mr.Kwon came along he'd probably let us work out twice a day." Sunoo said as he walked into the small living room. And judging by his hair I'm sure he just showered.

After a few minutes the other four also walked into our small living room. It was quiet and nobody was saying anything. Which is very weird seeing that both Ni-Ki and Sunoo are very loud and annoying.

The atmosphere here was so awkward and thin like ice. So I decided to break the ice.

"Sooo...... what are we gonna do?

New chapter.
You didn't hear this from me but, Just know that the drama is gonna start soon.

Guess who caught covid? Yup me. At least that means that I'll have time to update some chapters for you guys.
See y'all next chapter.

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