Chapter 24

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No one's POV

It was 8:30 O'clock in the moring as the first alarm went of.

"Urgh it's way to early for this." Jungwon whined as he tried to turn his alarm off as fast as possible wanting to go back to sleep.

The said boy kept struggling to turn it because he kept his eyes closed.

"Whyy won't you turn off."

"Click! Click!" A camera sound went of what made the boy open his eyes.

"Hyung, did you just take a picture of me?"

"Maybe." Heeseung said showing the picture. Of a cute jungwon trying to find his phone.

"Yahh, whyy? I look ugly in the morning!" Jungwon said as he tried to take the phone from his hyung climbing on to his lap.

"No, you don't. You look very cute. Don't you tink so to Jay?" Heeseung asked as he showed the picture to Jay.

The boy only nodded as he then left the room.

"You see, Hyung thinks I look ugly too. Now delete the picture." The younger one demanded.

"Never!"Heeseung then turned them around so that Jungwon was now underneath him.

He then leaned closer to the younger ones face, which made Jungwon's heart speed up.

"You're very pretty and cute Jungwon-ah, don't ever think you're ugly." heeseung said and pinched his cheeks and then left the room too.

And then Jungwon was left alone with pink cheeks.

Sunoo's POV

After my alarm went of I tried to turn myself around so I could turn it off, but I couldn't. I felt something heavy on my waist and legs. So I opend my eyes and was met with Ni-Ki's face.

"Yah! Ni-Ki what are you doing in my bed?!!!!" I yelled at the boy.

"Can't you be quiet I'm trying to sleep." The boy replied.

"Well sleep in your own bed and not mine." I tried to get his hands of my body, but he didn't budge. He only thightend his arms around me.

So I did the only thing I could think of to get my self out of his grip.

I kicked him where the sun doesn't shine.

"AHHHH." Ni-ki yelled out in pain and let his hands go from my body. So I quickly ran out of the room.

Sunghoon's POV

After I heard the alarms go off in the rooms next to ours I opened my eyes to be met with Jake's handsome face. So I stared at it for a while.

"take a picture it'll last longer." Jake said as he opened his eyes. Which startled me.

"I-I I wasn't S-staring." I stutterd.

"It's okay, I'd do the same." He said as he started to get up.

"Come on. Let's get dressed so we can go get breakfast." He held his hand out for me. So I nodded and grabbed his hand.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~In the living room

"I'm surprised no one else is done yet. Normally i'm the last one to get up and out of bed."

"Yeah, me too. Normally Jay would have to drag my ass out of the bed."

"AHHHHHH." We suddenly heard some one scream.

"Who was that?"

"Well it sounded like Ni-ki."

"Sunghoon Hyung!!!, protect meeee." Sunoo yelled as he ran into the livingroom.

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