Chapter 40

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Jake's POV

"Where did they say that we would meet?" Sunghoon asked me as we were walking around looking for the other guys.

"They said we would meet around here somewhere."

"Jake hyung! Sunghoon hyung!"

"Well there they are." We turned around and saw then walking towards us with bags in their hands.

"Did you guys rob the stores or something?" I asked joking.

"Yah. Here." Heeseung hyung said as he threw a small bag at me.

I opened the bag and it showed me a simple black fitted t-shirt. "Thanks hyung."

"Soo you said you needded a new shirt but I don't see what's wrong with it?"

"Well that's because i'm wearing my shirt the other way around." They looked at me confused. So I took of my jacket and turned around.

"I-is that?"

"Yup it is." I said scratching the back of my neck. I saw the looks on their faces change in to the look of fear.

"No guys it's not what you think." And relief washed over their faces. But Sunghoon looked confused.

"But I'm sure I'm not the only one when I say that I'm curious about what happened." Sunoo asked.

I could hear Sunghon's heartbeat spike up again. So I grabbed his hand again and softly caressed it.

"We'll tell you but not here. Let's go eat and sit down somewhere and then we'll tell you."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ At a small café

We found a small café were it wasn't so busy. We ordered some drinks and a few snacks and sat down at the back of the café. And ofcourse I changed my shirt.

"Okay now tell us what happened hyung." Ni-ki asked as his curiosity was getting the best of him.

I looked over at Sunghoon asking him with my eyes if he wanted to tell them what happened, but he shook his head signaling me to tell the story.

"Okay well, at first we went to the ice rink and Sunghoon thaught me how to skate. Because i've never done that before."

"I'm sure hyung was bad at it wasn't he." Ni-ki interrupted me and asked Sunghoon. Who smiled lightly and nodded. "He was terrible."

"Hey! It was my first time okay. And the longer I practiced the better I got."

"Yes you were until you skated into a wall." He softly replied. His reply had everybody laughing.

"Stop laughing okay. This isn't important for the story let's focus again." I told them. I gave them a minute and then they were back to being serious.

"Alright continue." Heeseung hyung said.

"Okay. As I said. After I fell on my butt I stoped skating and started to watch Hoon skate. And Sunoo you were right he is amazing."

"See I told you. He's like a prince on ice." Sunoo said with a proud smile on his face. "Stop it that ain't true." Sunghoon said as he was starting to blush.

He looks so adorable I wish I could put him in my pocket and keep h-

"Hello Jake story?"

" Oh yeah right. I looked at him as he was skating around gracefully. And he was doing so good. But then out of nowhere while he was doing a tripple axe he got distracted by something and he fell down hard. Like really hard." After I said thay both Jungwon and Sunoo went to check up on Sunghoon to see if he's hurt anywhere.

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