Chapter 19

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Sunghoon's POV

"Soo, what are we gonna do?" I asked them as I decided to break the ice.

"How about we go take a walk in the woods? You said we maybe could after the meeting?" Wonie asked hopefully.

I was about to answer him, but before I could I was interrupted bij Heeseung Hyung.

"I have a better plan, Seeing that the weather is great, how about we go for a swim in the pool?" Hyung blurted out.

I was suprised well everyone was. Because instead of suggesting it. Hyung blurted it out. Like it was the first thing that came out of his mouth. As if he didn't want to go into the woods at any cost.

"I like that, I l-love swimming." Jake agreed with Hyung.

"Great what do the others think?" Hyung asked as he looked at the rest of us.

"Well I'm okay with it." Sunoo said as the rest of us agreed except for Jungwon.

I saw the sad look on his face and I knew there was nothing he wanted to do more right now than to walk around in the forest, but putting aside his own happiness and needs he finally nodded his head.

"Yeah, let's go for a swim." He said quietly.

"Let's get changed then." Hyung said as he and the other three left to go to their rooms.

After the boys left me and Sunoo both sat down next to Jungwon as he had his head down.

"Wonie? You okay?" Sunoo carefully asked.

"Yeah I'm okay don't worry."

"We know you really want to take a walk in the woods we really do. And I don't know why the other guys keep telling us to do other things, but I promise you we will take a look around there if that's what you really want to. I promise you Won." I reassured him as I held his hands.

"I-I know it probably sounds stupid, b-but one of the last things I did with my parents before they became obsessed with their work, was walking around in the forest. We always did on the weekends. Then we finally were like you know a normal family. A-and I just really miss that." He said as tears were slipping down his face.

"It's not stupid Won, it's completly fine. We understand you and we know how much you miss your parents affection. None of us 3 have a perfect life or family we're all a little broken, but we're broken together and we're here to help each other okay? So don't ever think things like this are stupid. Because if they matter to you they matter to us." Sunoo said.

"You metter to us Jungwon. We're like a tiny family. I'm the Father, Sunoo the mother and you are our child." I tried to lighten up the mood as I ruffled his hair.

"YAH, why am I the mother?!"

"Because Jungwon is obviously the child. Duhh."

"Well, then why aren't you the mom? You act like one anyways." The boy sassed.


"Because why?"

"Because I'm the oldest and I get to decide. Now get your butts off the couch and let's get dressed so we can go for a swim." I said as I patted them on their backs.

Jay's POV

Out of every idea Heeseung HYung come up with he came with the great idea to gon swimming. Us? Swimming?! Is he out of his mind. If the sun isn't already bad enough with these clothes. As Hyung and I walked into our shared room with Jungwon I immediately spoke my mind.

"You crazy?"

"What do you mean?" He asked me confused.

"Out of all things you could say. You chose to say; Seeing that the weather is great how bout we go for a swim in the pool?!" I yelled at him.

"Y-yeah what's wrong with that?"

"Since when are you this stupid? You know damn well that weather like this is already bad enough for us. But going swimming in the burning sun?! Those stories on tv might as well become reality." I lashed out at him as I was very frustrated.

"O-Okay it might not have been the best thing to say, b-but it ain't that bad either."

"Not that bad? I do know we don't actually burn alive like they say, but that doesn't mean that the hot sun right onto our skin doesn't hurt like hell!"

"Jay I-I need you to calm down right now before the others hear you." He placed his hands on my arms hoping to calm me down.

"No! I'm not calming down. I'm done with all of this! T-the going back to school, befriending these guys even this stupid fucking camping trip. I-I just can't do this. I can't act like everything is okay, like we're normal because we aren't!" Out of anger I pushed his hands off me and grabbed hsi wrists.

"I know. I know Jay. I know we're not normal and I know it's hard to act like we are. But if we want to survive we have to. We have to blend in. A-and the guys they're really nice and I'm sure we can trust them some day." He tried to calm me down.

"I know. And ever after that happened you've had a harder time letting people in, but you're gonna have to someday." He softly said as he held my hand.

"J-just let me in again okay? I miss you Jay. The old you. The times we've had."

"I-I do to. I really do Heeseung it-it's just been hard for me." I said as I looked down.

"Just take your time okay I'll wait as long as I have to." He kissed my hand as he stood up.

"You'll wait for me? Even after what I said, after everything I've done."

" We all have been trough hell and back. Jake, Ni-Ki You Me. We all did. We all have lost our families, our home, basically everything. But we haven't lost each other yet. And I'd like to keep it that way. So yeah ofcourse I'll wait, even an eternity if I have to." He softly stroked my cheek as tears threatend to fall.

"Why?" I asked with a broken voice. Being on the edge of tears.

"Because I love you Jay."


Sorry for the said and emotional chapter, I honestly didn't plan on writing it like this, but I honestly like and hopefully you guys dit too.

See yall next chapter.

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