Chapter 15

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Ni-Ki's POV

"Goodmorning Hyungs!" I yelled as I walked down the stairs into the kitchen.

"Wow who are you and what did you do to our Ni-Ki?" Jake Hyung said jokingly.

"Haha very funny." I said as I sat down next to him.

"Well sorry but this is very new for us. You are never this exited early in the morning." Jay hyung said as he gave me a glass to drink.

"I'm just very happy we're going on a trip today. which means no school for a few days." I said while drinking the red fluid in my glass.

"Well that makes sense." Jay hyung agreed with me.

" I don't really understand what's so great about going on this trip. It's just a normal school trip." Jake Hyung said shrugging.

"Don't act like you're not very happy to be spending the next couple days with Sunghoon." Heeseung Hyung said as he walked into the kitchen.

"I-I-I'm not." Jake Hyung said stuttering.

"Yeah yeah whatever makes you sleep at night Jakey." He replied ruffling Jake Hyungs hair.

" Back to the trip. Do we have everything?" Jay Hyung asked.

We all nodded but seeing that Jay hyung didn't believe us. We had to go over everything. And I mean everything.

"Do we also have the bag?" I asked them.

"Yes Ni-ki ah we have the bag. We just gotta figure out where to put it in our cabin so that the others won't find it."Hyung replied.

"Well that's something for later let's go now before we are too late." Heeseung Hyung said pushing us out of the house.

~~~~~~ At school.

Sunghoon's POV

"Where are they? it's almost time." I said as it was almost 8:00 which is the time the bus leaves.

"Don't worry Hyung I'm sure they are on the way." Jungwon said.

"Oh I see them. They're over there!" Sunoo yelled as he was waving at them.

"There you guys are. What took you so long. It's almost time." I asked them.

"Well, Jay Hyung didn't trust us. That we had everything packed. So we had to go over everything that we're supposed to pack. And yeah that took a while." Ni-Ki explained as Heeseung Hyung and Jake nodded.

"Well let's get on the bus!" Ni-ki said happily as he dragged Sunoo with him.

"Look at them. A few days ago Sunoo would have killed Ni-Ki for dragging him but now they're both smiling." I said as I looked at the both of them.

"Well I guess Sunoo changed his mind about Ni-Ki then." Jake replied.

The both of us then looked at the other three taht were also heading to the bus.

"Seeing that they're probably gonna sit next to each other. D- d-do you m-maybe wanna sit next to me on the bus. You don't have to if you don't want to. But I thought that may-"

"Sure I'd like that." Jake interrupted me.

He then grabbed my hand as the two of us also went on to the bus. When we got inside the bus we suprisingly saw Heeseung Hyung sitting alone and Jungwon next to Jay.

"I didn't expect Jungwon and Jay to sit next to eachother." I whispered to Jake as we sat down.

"Well seeing Heeseung Hyungs Smirk and Jay's angry face to Heeseung Hyung I don't think it was their own choice."He replied.

Jungwon's POV

Me and Heeseung Hyung followed after Ni-Ki and Sunoo Hyung as they walked to the bus. As I looked behind me I saw Jay Hyung following us behind. He was wearing his hood and his hands were in his pockets. Just Jay Hyung giving of his dark aura. We put our bags in the luggage storage and then we got on the bus.

I saw both Heeseung Hyung and Jay Hyung sitting down already. I would have thought they would sit next to eachother but guess not. As I was about to sit next to Heeseung Hyung he put his legs onto the chair next to him.

"Sorry Jungwon ah but I'm car sick so I'd rather sit alone." He said to me.

"Oh It's okay don't worry hyung." I said as I started to look around for a place to sit. But practically every place was occupied. Except te chair next to Jay Hyung. But I'm not quiet sure he'd like that.

"Jungwon-ah just go sit next to Jay. I'm sure he won't mind." Hyung said with a smirk as he looked towards Jay.

"Whatever." Jay Hyung replied as he put in his airpods and put his head against the window.

I was still quiet unsure, but seeing that I didn't have any options left I sat down next to Jay Hyung as the bust started driving.

Maybe a little short but I hope you guys enjoyed it😁

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