Chapter 45

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Sunghoon's POV

I woke up due the sun comming through the curtains. I don't think I would have slept this good, but somehow I did.

"knock knock"

"Come in." I said as I sat up in bed. The door then opened showing Seonghwa hyung.

"Morning Sunghoon-ah did you sleep well?" I rubbed my eyes and nodded.

"Great. I washed your clothes and breakfast is downstairs, you have two hours left before the bus leaves back home."

He put my freshly washed clothes in my hands and I thanked him. "I'll be downstairs soon." He nodded and left the room.

I headded to the bathroom and got ready. After that I made the bed and went downstairs. As I walked into the kitchen I could hear a few voices.

"Hey look who has woken up." Jongho hyung said.

"Good morning hyungs." I sat down on a chair as Seonghwa hyung put down my breakfast.

"Thank you. It looks delicious." I said befor I started eating.

"Sooo, have you figured out yet what you're gonna do once you get on the bus??"

"N-not really, I feel like ignoring them for a little longer I think?"

"Do whatever makes you feel the best. You have every right to do that."

"Well it's not like I really want to, because I hate not talking to Won and Sun, but I feel like I have to understand them first and let them understand me before I'm ready to forgive them."

After our little chat I finished my breakfast, helped my hyungs to clean up the kitchen and grabbed my phone.

"You got everything?"

"Yup, I only brought my phone with me."

"Okay, wel let's go then don't want you missing your bus." Jongho hyung said as he put on his jacket.

I nodded and went over to Seonghwa hyung to give him a big hug. After that I waved him goodbye and we left to go to the bus.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ At the cabin no one's POV

"Guys hurry up have have to leave in an hour." The oldest vampire said.

"We're almost done, we just need to pack Sunghoon hyungs stuff and then we're done." Sunoo said.

"Jungwon? Do you wanna help me pack hyungs stuff?" Sunoo yelled from Jake and Sunghoon's shared room. But he didn't get any response so he walked to the said boys room.

"Won?" He walked in only to see Jungwon staring at their shared bracelet.

"You okay?"

"D-do you think hyung will forgive us?" He asked quietly.

"Ofcourse I think that. Yes we were wrong by excluding him and not letting him know, but I'm sure that after a little while he'll understand why we did it. Just like we will understand why he reacted this way." The older boy said comforting the other.

"You sure?"

"Yes I am. Me and hyung might argue a lot, but we're still bestfriends and no one knows him as much as we do. We just have to understand each other and talk about and then it'll be fine okay. Trust your hyung." The younger boy nodded.

"Okay now let's pack his stuff and make sure to not forget anything."

The two boys started to pack the last things and made sure nothing was left behind.

"Everyone done?"


"Great let's go then. So we can see if Sunghoon is there already." They all nodded and followed the eldest out of the cabin.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~At the bus Sunghoon's POV

Me and Jongho hyung were perfectly on time. Which meant I was the first one to enter the bus. I gave him and last hug and wave and got on. He did stay though. Probaby waiting for the bus to leave.

A few minutes ago other students started to get on the bus as well. No sign of the guys yet. That made me nervous. I was already nervous but seeing as they weren't here yet made me even more nervous. Seeing that I had no idea what their reactions would be.

But there they were. 10 minutes before leaving time. I could still see the sad look on Jungwons face and it really made me feel bad. But for myself I had to keep this up a little longer.

So when they got inside the bus looking for a place to sit I put on my hood and started to look outside to not make eyecontact with any of them, because I knew I'd give in the moment I looked into their eyes.

"Okay everyone go find yourself a seat so that we can start on our journey back home." Mrs.Kim said.

I could hear everyone trying to find themselves a seat. "Jake-shi could you please sit down so that we can leave."

"Yeah-uh I'm trying I just can't find one."

"Well I see that your friend Sunghoon is sitting alone, I'm sure he wouldn't mind. Would you Sunghoon-shi?"

Goddamnit did she really have to say this. Can't really say no can I

"Yeah sure whatever." I replied.

"See. Now go sit down." Jake nodded and did what mrs.Kim said.

Before he could even say anything I put on my earphone's and started to listen to music. I have to stay strong for a little longer. Then I can go home and ask my mom what I should do.

And no I'm not gonna tell her all the details about them being vampires don't worry. I'm just gonna tell her that they kept something big from me and ask her what I should do.

Let's hope that this rides going to be fast.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Back home

Finally I'm home. I thought as I finally reached my house. I somehow managed to avoid talking to them except for me saying a quick thanks to them for taking my stuff with them.

I put the keys in the lock and opened the door. I walked inside going straight to the livingroom hoping to see my mom. But to my shock I didn't see her. Or anyone for that matter.

"Helloo??? Anyone home??" No response.

I walked into the kitchen only to find a not from my parents.

Hi baby,

Did you have a nice trip? I heard the place was nice. And the weather was good.

You must wonder where we are. You know my aunt from the other side of korea?? Well she's getting old and needed our help, so we went there when you left for your trip.

Sorry for not telling you. We should be back by the end of this week.

I heard that Mr and Mrs. Yang had to go on a other work trip so I think it's a good idea for you to stay at Jungwon's house till we're back. I already informed his parents.

xoxo Mom and Dad.

Great. This is bad timing. But mom is right. Jungwon would really appreciate it if I were to stay with him while his parents are away.

Guess I gotta do this on my own without my moms advise. Let's get some clean clothes and then I'll head over there.


Heyy guys it's been a while and I'm very sorry for that. I just had a very rough month. Which led me to not updating.
So here's an other chapter for you guys.

I also have a question seeing that a lot of you are always curious about the story would you guys like it if I did a Q & A for this story??
Let me know.

Xxx authornin

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