Chapter 44

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Sunghoon's POV

Seeing that I was still kinda out of it Wooyoung hyung told them the whole story. From the moment we met up till I left them behind.

"Woah, never saw that comming." Mingi hyung said after the story was finished.

"I honestly thought most other 'good' vampires died during the fight." Hongjoong said while thinking.

"Well apparently not. Which is a great thing. But let's focus on Sunghoon first." Seonghwa hyung told them.

"I-I'm fine really. J-just a little shocked to find out my new friends are also vampires and that my bestfriends lied to me about it."I took a sip of my hot chocolate.

"I can understand that. Believe me I've been there too." Yeosang hyung said as he put his hand on my shoulder.

"Y-you have? but how?" My mind started to spin.

"It's a long story, but for short. I was't always a vampire. I was a human like you too. And I didn't that my new friends were vampires either till it was too late."

Too late? What did that mean? What happened to hyung? And how did he become a vampire?

"Like hyung said that's for an other time."

"Huh? How did y'know what I was thinking?" I asked.

"Let's just say it's one of my special powers." Jongho hyung said as he winked at me.

"You guys have powers?" They all nodded.

"C-can I see them?" I asked as I was amazed by the news.

"Yes, but that's for an other time. Let's not stray from the real subject." I pouted but nodded.

"So, just know that for what reason they didn't tell you I'm sure they only meant good by it. I'm sure that they'd eventually tell you. Maybe they just waited for the right moment." I nodded at what he said. I was probably just overreacting.

"Yeah, you guys are probably right. Maybe I was just overreacting." I starred at my mug.

I fucked up right. They probably hate me now for acting like that

"I talked to them you know. After you left I talked to them. And they looked pretty upset with themselves. Especially the tiny cute one- OUCH!"

"Where was that good for?!" Wooyoung hyung said as he carressed the side of his head San hyung just hit.

"That for calling someone else cute. You always call everyone cute. Y'know I hate it when you flirt around." San hyung said sulking.

"Well anyways. He looked so upset and broken. I'm sure he's beating himself up about it."

"That really sounds like Won. And hyung is right though he really is cute. He's probably blaming himself again. Man I really shouldn't have said all of that."

"Don't worry Sunghoon. It was completely normal for you to react that way. I'm sure you guys can make up by talking."

"You really think so hyung?" I asked him.

"Ofcourse I am. That's how me and my little brother used to make up all the time."

"So take a rest and tomorrow you guys can talk about it." Yunho hyung suggested.

"Yes you guys are probably right."

"So, now that we finished all of this. I'm really wondering how 'cute' this friend of yours actually is." San quietly asked.

"Hahah ofcourse. Let me look for a decent picture."I grabbed my phone and scrolled trough all my pictures.

"Ah here this one's good." I showed them this picture.

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