Chapter 33

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No One's POV

"Now that this is settled let's go to bed." Heeseung said as they pulled away from each other.

"That an great Idea." Then they started walking towards their room.

Jungwon's POV

Owh no they're comming what should I do? I queationed myself. And the best thing I could do was ran up to our shared room and jump on the first bed I saw and get under the covers.

And unfortunately for me it wasn't my bed, but it was Jay en Heeseung hyungs bed. I was thinking about quickly goin to mine but it was already to late I could hear them outside the door so. I laid down and closed my eyes acting like I was asleep already.

"Ssttt, we gotta be quiet Jungwon is already sleeping." Jay hyung said to Heeseung hyung as the softly opened the door.

"Owh look he's asleep in our bed." Jay noted.

"Yes but he's quite adorable. Should we let him sleep here? One of us could sleep in the other bed?"

"Yes we should, he was probably so tired he didn't notice. So you can sleep next to him and I'll sleep in the other bed." I could hear footsteps indicating that Jay hyung was waling over to the bed that was originally supposed to be mine.

"No you can sleep here and I'll sleep in the other bed." Heeseung suggested.

Am I that bad? That they don't even want to sleep in the same bed as me?

"Well the bed looks very big. M-maybe we can share it? with the three of us."

"That's an great idea, that's why I love you. You and your big brain." I didn't know a simple comment like that could hurt my heart so much. I just hope they can't hear my heart beat.

"S-shut up. Let's sleep." I guess they both changed into their nighwear as I could hear clothes being taken of and put on. And soon after that I could feel the bed dip on both of my sides.

Damnit I forgot I was sleeping in the middle of the bed.

"I'm actually kind of sad you're so far away." Heeseung said. and I could hear the pout in his voice.

"Seriously Hee? I'm not even an meter away from you."

"I know but I'd like to hug you. "

"You're a big baby you know that. You can go hug Jungwon." That comment made my heartbeat speed up.

"Y-You think he wouldn't mind that?" He softly asked.

For people who said they had to be quiet because I was sleeping they were very loud, but I didn't mind.

"Ofcourse not he seemd to enjoy it befor he went to bed. How bout I hugg him too? That way you don't have to sulk about me being so far away from you." And they quickly agreed on that.

And soon after that I could feel Jay hyung's chest being pressed to my back as hands sneaked around my waist. And my face being pressed into Heeseug hyung's chest.

"Happy now?" He asked.

"Yes very." And I swear I could hear the smile.

"Great now let's get to sleep forreal right now."

"Goodnight Jay."

"Goodnight Hyung."

Then it was quiet.

"Goodnight Jungwon." They both said in union. And that made me blush. But then I remembered I shouldn't. They were probably dating right now. And this would be A one time thing because I was already asleep in their bed.

But I decided to forget that for a little while and just snuggled closer to both of them and fell asleep with a sad smile on my face.

Sunoo's POV  next morning

I woke up after having a great night rest. I turned around and this time I wasn't stopped by arms around my waist and a body pressed up behind me. I honestly didn't want to admit it, but I kind missed it.

Then I looked around in the room looking for the said boy. And he was nowhere to be seen. Even his bed was already made up. So I just guessed he was already up. And I decided to do the same. I got out of my bed and walked into the cabin's living room.

I also didn't see him there but I could hear all kinds of rustling from the kitchen so I walked into the kitchen and saw Ni-ki looking through all the cabinets like he was looking for something.

"What are you looking for?" I asked and apparently he was so focused he didn't hear me walk in.

"O-Oh hey goodmorning Sunoo, I was just looking for a blue sportsbag. and I swear I put it here somewhere."

"Oh yeah I saw that last night and I was confused why a sportsbag was in the cabinet so I moved to the livingroom, why was it in the kitchen anyways?" I said while I was looking in the fridgefor something to drink.

"U-uh well you see-" Ni-ki trailed of.

"Come on you can tell me, I know your big secret already. What else could you hide?"

"Fine the bag is filled with bloodbags for us."

"Oohh, could've expected that. Why do you even have that with you anyways?"

"Well you see I still have problems with my hunger so."

"Ahh, well if you want to get rid of those problems you should try to distract yourself from it. Because if you immediately go looking for a bag if you're getting hungry you'll never learn." I told him.

"Y-yeah you're probably right."He said as he stopped looking.

"Come on it's already 8 O'clock let's wake the others up so we can go get breakfast because I'm getting hungry." I told him and we both started to walk to their rooms.

When we walked into JakeHoon's room they were already awake.

"Goodmorning."We said as we walked into their room.

"Morning." They both replied. Jake hyung was still laying on his bed scrolling through his phone while Hoon hyung was looking for clothes trough his bag.

"We're going to wake up the others and then we'll go for breakfast." Ni-ki told them.

"Sure, we'll be ready by then." Jake replied.

Then we left the room and went to wake up the others.

Only this time they were still asleep.

"OMG they're so cute." I whisper yelled to Ni-Ki.

The three of them were still cuddled up the way they fell asleep.

"Ni-Ki do you have your phone?" He nodded and took out his phone. Luckily he got my message and took photos of the boys cuddled up.

"Click." The boy only forgot to turn his flash of.

"Yah Ni-ki you idiot." I flicked him on the back of his head.

"Can you two please shut up." We both stilled as we heard Jay hyungs voice.

"Uhh Goodmorning, We're leaving for breakfast in 10 minutes. better be ready by then." Ni-ki said.

We took a few more pictures before we decided to leave befor Hyung decides to kill us.


And a little more SunKi this chapter, but don't worry we'll get more soon I promise.

Hope you enjoyed.

See y'all next chapter


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