Chapter 12

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No one's POV

"Okay everybody the 10 minutes start now." Mr.Kwon said as he blew his whistle and everybody started to run.

If it was about running durning P.E class you always had the people up front who wanted to show of by how fast they could run, but then in the end they would be laying on the ground cathcing their breaths. You had the people in the middle who were running at an decent speed. they don't wanna be up front but also not at the back. And then you had the people at the back. Those were the ones who were just running at their own pace. Well actually it was more like jogging.

"Five more minutes people come on." Mr.Kwon said.

As he was sitting on a chair. typically a P.E teacher yelling at you students to do something, but you yourself will be sitting dwon and doing absolutely nothing.

Everyone seemed to do fine. Ni-ki, Jay, Heeseung and Jungwon were running pretty much up front, Jake and Sunghoon were running in the middle while talking a bit. Well more like Jake was talking and Sunghoon was just nodding seeing that he probably was out of breath.

"Two more minutes! Come on Sunoo pull yourself together and start running a little bit faster will you." He yelled.

So that's what Sunoo did. I mean if he could run for 10 minutes at his monthly check-up on the threadmill then he could also run 10 minutes during P.E. Or so he thought.

"Okay everybody that's it." Mr.Kwon said and everybody stopped running.

Sunoo's POV

After Mr.Kwon said we could stop running. I immediatly stopped running because I was sure if i ran for a second longer i'd be lang on the ground. Seeing that I could barely breath i thought back to the inhealer Docto- I mean Taehyun Hyung gave me for moments like these. So I was about to walk back to the lockerroom to get it but Mr.Kwon stopped me.

"Sunno, where are you going get back here." He said.

"B-But I-I n-nee-" Before I could continue my sentence he called me again and gave me 5 seconds to comeback so thats what i did.

"Okay everybody, I think you guys are warmed up so let's play some dodge ball." He said and divided us into 2 teams. I was together with Jake Hyung and Heeseung Hyung and the others were on the other team. We got into positions and then Mr.Kwon blew his whistle to start the game.

Seeing that I was still very out of breath I tried to do as least as posible. I just tried to not get hit by any balls. And that was going pretty well till me and Jake Hyung were the only ones left of our team. So now I really had to do something. But seeing that we didn't have the ball I had to keep running arounf trying to not get hit while Jake Hyung tried to eliminate the other team.

I was breathing so hard at this point that I was sure that everyone could hear me. At some point I couldn't breath properly anymore. So I fell to the ground my breathing uneven. I could hear everybody comming to me. I could hear Sunghoon Hyung and Jungwon trying to get me to tell them what's wrong, but even if I wanted to I couldn't. I really needed my inhealer because I wasn't sure how long I could keep this up.

I felt so stupid I should've ignored my teacher because my health is more important but I was way to scared to go against him.

Suddenly I saw Jake Hyung infront of my with my inhealer.

Jake's POV.

As me and Sunoo where the only ones left on our team I tried my best to eliminate the other team. I also made sure that no ball would hit Sunoo because after the running I could see he was still very out of breath.

After a while I finally managed to catch a ball and I was about to throw it till I saw everyone run over to our side of the field and when I looke daround I saw Sunoo on the ground breathing heavily. This was exactly the ting I tried to avoid.

I saw everyone trying to get his attention. But I knew they couldn't get his attention no matter what they did. Because he was having an Asthma attack, well something like that. So I looked a bit closer to Sunoo and then ran of tho the lockerroom and cameback with his inhealer.

I pushed everyone aside and sat down infront of him.

"Sunoo?, Hey Sunoo use this." I said as i put the inhealer in his hand and looked him deep in the eyes.

And that's what Sunoo did. He quickly got out of his trance and used the inhealer. After a few seconds he got a stable breathing again and everybody sighed in relief. Both Jungwon and Sunghoon then hugged the boy.

I then walked up to our teacher and grabbed him by his collar.

"This what just happened is you fault! You know that!. You clearly saw that he was having a hard time breathing during and after running. He wanted to get his inhealer, but you told him to get back and play. You saw what happened! I'm gonna tell this to our Princible and let's see what he's gonna say about that."I said angrily.

Then I walked back to the others who were now in the lockerroom because Sunoo doesn't like attention from everyone. The moment I walked in I was immediatly hugged by the said boy.

"I don't know how you knew I had an inhealer, but thank you so much Hyung." Sunoo said as he hugged me tighter.

"No problem Sunoo."I said as I hugged him back. "While we were changing I saw it in you bag."

"Hyung why didn't you tel us you had an inhealer before?" Jungwon asked.

"I-I just got it yesterday after my monthly check-up and I forgot." He said as he hung his head low.

"It's okay Sunoo, we were just really worried what if it was your heart again." Sunghoon said.

"Sorry for making you guys worry." He apologized again. But Jungwon and Sunghoon just pulled him into a hug.

"Sorry for interrupting your moment, but what did you mean with what if it's his heart again?" Ni-Ki asked.

"We'll only tell you if Sunoo is okay with it." Sunghoon said. And Sunoo nodded signaling it's okay for them to tell.

"Let's not talk about it here, but let's talk after school okay?" Sunghoon asked us. And we all nodded.

So me Ni-ki, jay and Heeseung Hyung participated in the mini soccer match and after that we all got dressed again.

We promised each other to meet at the school entrance after we were all done.

~~~~~After school.

"How about we go to a café and talk about it there?" Heeseung Hyung suggested and ofcourse we agreed.

"But you're paying hyung because the last time I suggested going to the ice cream shop I had to pay." Sunghoon said. which made everybody laugh.

"Okay, Okay I'll pay." Hyung said and we all cheered as we went to the closest café.

Hey guys I know it's been a while, but my school is starting again and it's already giving me a headache. I'll try to update as much as I can. I hope you guys understand 💕

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