Chapter 34

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Sunoo and I quickly darted out of Hyung's room before Jay hyung could murder us.

"Yah, you idiot why didn't you turn you flash of?!" Sunoo yelled at me.

"Well, I'm sorry but be happy I had my phone with me otherwise we wouldn't have all these pictures to blackmail hyung with." I said while showing the pictures to him.

"Who are you gonna blackmail?" A voice behind us said. Which scared us.

"Yeez hyung, you scared us. When did you get here?"

"After I heard Sunoo call you an idiot. So what did you do this time?" Jake Hyung asked me.

"Well, we went to wake up the others and when we walked in the three of them were all cuddled op on the bed so Sunoo asked me to take pictures so I did. And now out of sudden he's calling me an idiot." I explained. Which earned me a flick on my head. might have left out a few minor details.

"That ain't true this idot forgot to turn of his flash, which resulted in Jay hyung waking up. And then we had to run out of the room before he could kill us." He explained.

"Yeah, if you wake up Jay, you're dead meat." Jake hyung shrugged.

"Well if he does I'm sacrificing Ni-Ki first. Maybe he doesn't need to kill me after that."

"Ho, why me first? You told me to take a picture." I said defending myself.

"Well, you forgot to turn of the flash and woke Jay hyung."

"Aish can't you two just stop arguing already." We turned around and saw Jay hyung standing there with a annoyed expression.

"Kill him first. He woke you up." This little piece of shit pushed me infront of him.

Jay's POV

After those two annoying kids left our room I finally opened my eyes. And when I looked next to me I saw Hyung and Wonnie still deep asleep. And I must admit they look really cute like this all cuddled up.

How annoyed I am at Ni-ki and Sunoo for waking me up I probably should thank them for taking pictures. After staring at them for like 5 minutes I remembered what Ni-Ki said before he left the room.

"Uhh Goodmorning, We're leaving for breakfast in 10 minutes. better be ready by then." Ni-ki said.

Seeing that five minutes already passed I decided to wake them up so we wouldn't be late for breakfast.

"Heeseung hyung, Jungwon-ah it's time to wake up." I said while shaking them.

"Nooo, five more minutes pleasee." Jungwon whined as he cuddled closer into my chest.

"I'm sorry, but we don't wanne be late for breakfast would we?" I said trying to convince him.

"Monring." Heeseung hyung said with his deep morning voice.

Man why does he sound so hot in the morning

"Morning hyung."

"How did you sleep?" He asked me.

"Good. How about you?" I asked as I slowly got out of bed starting to get ready for breakfast.

"I slept great next to my two favorite people." He smirked at his own words.

"Aish you're so cheezy hyung. Can you wake wonnie up? We're leaving for breakfast in five."

After he nodded I left the room.

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